Sistem POS include multi warehouse memudahkan anda dalam berbisnis
Full tutorial sampai bisa.
- Inventory Accounting (FIFO/LIFO/AVCO)
- You can add your own themes or different view files
- New user interface design to ease many tasks (RTL language support is not available yet)
- Fixed PDF export issue with Chinese and Arabic languages (But these languages are not available yet)
- Ability to add new user groups
- Ability to add new customer groups
- Custom module permissions for user groups
- Added gift card features
- Multiple delete option for inventories, products, quotations, sales and transfers.
- Notifications Module
- Email protocol options (mail, sendmail and smtp)
- Multiple currencies (for front-end that will be added after this release)
- Products Module
- Improved barcode feature and attached barcode symbology to product
- Improved barcode/label printing feature
- Duplicate product option
- Product racks/locations
- Product Image Gallery
- Ability to set the images/thumbnails size
- Ability to add watermark to product images
- Attach tax rate with product
- Tax method to add tax inclusive/exclusive to the price and cost
- Attach multiple supplier to product
- Option for product expiry date while purchasing the stock
- Option to add/edit product quantity on add/edit product page
- Product variants with quantity tacking
- Users Module
- Assign users a warehouse and biller
- Own sales/quotations/purchases/transfers restrictions for users
- Customers Module
- Option to select customer group (to manage different selling rates)
- Re-structured the module to add users to customer company (front-end that will be added after this release)
- You can add customer group in settings to assign different product price to customer.
- Suppliers Module
- Re-structured the module to add users to supplier company (front-end that will be added after this release)
- Sales Module
- New add/edit page design
- Invoice view (Standard or Tax Invoice)
- Ability to add manual product to order list
- Ability to sell gift cards
- Ability to get paid by gift cards
- Ability to edit the product price on sale page
- Instant discount (add percentage or fixed discount to order and/or any product)
- Warehouse code/name/address on invoice
- Return sales and issue refunds
- Record payments to sale (full/partial with any no of payments)
- Add payment terms (No of pending payment days before the sale marked as due)
- Sale status (pending/completed)
- Payment status (pending/due/partially paid/fully paid))
- Email invoices with payment buttons (Paypal and Skrill)
- Reports Module
- Improved old reports
- Added product expiry alerts
- Added payments report
- Added profit and loss report
- Added customer report
- Added supplier report
- Added staff report
- Settings Module
- Manage user groups and permissions
- Manage customer groups
- Manage currencies
- Added option to upload map for warehouses
- Added option to upload images for categories and sub categories
- Added email templates (set email message in WYSIWYG editor)
- Added option to add tax code
- POS Module
- Add Item by Barcode scanner and code/name suggestion
- Ability to add manual product to order list
- Ability to sell gift cards
- Ability to edit the product price on sale page
- Instant discount (add percentage or fixed discount to order and/or any product)
- Rounding to nearest 0.05
- Option to add comment
- Record multiple payments to sale
- Payment Gateways (Paypal Pro and Stripe) for Credit Card Payment Processing
- Added Qz Printing Plug-in (Java Applet) to print and open cash drawer
- Added swipe credit card input
- Sell gift cards
- Pay by gift card
- Simple restriction for staff to not delete item in POS (POS will ask for password, that owner can set in POS Settings)
Kota Jakarta Selatan
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