• (022) 6902 1117

Owi Jauhari (tjauhari)



Hello! I'm an university student who is looking for freelance jobs in order to enhance my skill and experiences. I learned most of my subjects from English textbooks, so I understand English very well and able to do translations. I can do translations from English to Indonesia, as well as Indonesia to English. I'm very familiar with Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint. I'm a newcomer, but I can assure you that I'm willing to work very hard and give my clients satisfaction through my work.

Very welcome to contact me through [email protected]m

Data Entry English Microsoft PowerPoint Translation E-Commerce Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel

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User Name: tjauhari
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 29/07/2021 13:55:55 WIB
Last Seen: 29/07/2021 14:59:36 WIB
Online Hours: 1.05
Projects Won: 0
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Current Projects: 0

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Jasa Upload Produk Marketplace (HARGA TERJANGKAU)

Rp 110,000     
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Bingung cara mengupload produk di marketplace? Atau punya begitu banyak produk yang harus diupload ke marketplace? Atau sesimpel tidak ada waktu untuk mengupload dan menginput deskripsi produk? Kami menyediakan jasa upload produk ke marketplace; meliputi Shopee, Tokopedia, Bukalapak dan lainnya. Freelancer memiliki pengalaman dalam melakukan upload produk ke marketplace selama lebih dari 2 tahun. Freelancer terampil dalam melakukan upload produk sehingga dapat mengupload minimal 25-40 produk dalam satu hari kerja...

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