• (022) 6902 1117

Farouk Rizki (faroukrizki)



My name is Farouk Rizki, some people call me Deci or Daichi. I graduated from Akademi Bina Sarana Informatika majoring in Information Management in 2015 and earned the title of Diploma III Amd, Kom. I also worked as a Java programmer for 6 months in Mitreka Solusi Indonesia and finished a project in the BKPM (Badan Keuangan dan Penanaman Modal). In October 2016 I resigned since I'm continuing my study in University of Indonesia to reach the Bachelor degree.

I didn't finish my high school due to illness, I had to bed rest for 4 months and took the "Paket C" tests. During my recovery period, I took courses at the International Language Program and earned a lot of certificates because I was the best student for 9 times consecutively. I also teach Math and English during my recovery period.

In 2008, I learned martial arts to help improving my health. Ever since, my health has gotten more than better! Now, I assist my brother in teaching Brain Enhancement Program and Hybrid Martial Arts in Griya Bakat Super.


English Programming Database Programming Microsoft Office

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User Name: faroukrizki
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 29/01/2017 12:10:52 WIB
Last Seen: 02/02/2017 17:29:58 WIB
Provinsi: Jawa Barat
Kabupaten: Kota Bekasi
Website: www.bakatsuper.com
Online Hours: 3.53
Projects Won: 0
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Bimbel Super

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BIMBEL  SUPER Menggunakan metode khusus agar siswa dapat MEMAHAMI dan MENGHAFAL materi secara PERMANEN dalam WAKTU SINGKAT . Matematika Kimia Fisika Biologi Ekonomi Sejarah Geografi Antropologi B. Inggris Kewarganegaraan IPA IPS Untuk SD, SMP & SMA PENGAJAR DARI UNIVERSITAS INDONESIA DAN BERPENGALAMAN Menggunakan metode belajar yang merupakan penggabungan dari para Polymath terdahulu seperti metode Aristoteles, Plato, Locci, Confusius dll...

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