• (022) 6902 1117

Past Projects


Service Order from andi212: Jasa Pindah Hosting/VPS/Dedicated & Transfer Domain

[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]

[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]

Administrative Support Support Service Technical Support MySQL PostgreSQL Website MongoDB Linux Administration Apache Nginx

Published Budget: Rp 75,000
Finish Days: 1
Published Date: 24/03/2017 10:28:11 WIB
Start Date: 24/03/2017 10:45:04 WIB
Finish Date: 25/03/2017 16:12:32 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: steven.comptia
Accepted Budget: Rp 150,000
Project Ending: Completed


Service Order from sonnyjap: Jasa Pindah Hosting/VPS/Dedicated & Transfer Domain

[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]

[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]

Administrative Support Support Service Technical Support MySQL PostgreSQL Website MongoDB Linux Administration Apache Nginx

Published Budget: Rp 75,000
Finish Days: 1
Published Date: 23/03/2017 21:34:54 WIB
Start Date: 24/03/2017 05:59:03 WIB
Finish Date: 24/03/2017 08:58:15 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: steven.comptia
Accepted Budget: Rp 150,000
Project Ending: Completed


fix bug dan menambah fitur Apps android

Saya membutuhkan freelancer untuk fix bug dan menambah fitur mobile Apps android yang sudah ada , aplikasi berupa gabungan app calender base dgn social media yg bisa running offline dan online. Apps tsb dibuat memakai android studio dan mongodb yg mau diperbaiki adalah 1. Fitur auto login via FB n gmail 2. Upload  gambar ke server belum smooth n belum fit screen 3. Bisa notif led, ringtone, getar tanpa konek internet 4. butuh Holiday API indonesia yg free lisensi kalau bisa 5. dan mgkn ada bug yg mgkn sy belum tau...

Mobile Programming Android MongoDB UI Design UX Design Android studio

Published Budget: Open to Suggestions
Finish Days: 15
Published Date: 23/03/2017 17:58:08 WIB
Start Date: 26/03/2017 13:56:17 WIB
Finish Date:
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: abu-alfatih
Accepted Budget: Rp 1,100,000
Project Ending: Self Mediation


Service Order from sonnyjap: Jasa Pindah Hosting/VPS/Dedicated & Transfer Domain

[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]

[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]

Administrative Support Support Service Technical Support MySQL PostgreSQL Website MongoDB Linux Administration Apache Nginx

Published Budget: Rp 75,000
Finish Days: 1
Published Date: 24/02/2017 15:52:03 WIB
Start Date: 25/02/2017 11:20:29 WIB
Finish Date: 25/02/2017 12:54:12 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: steven.comptia
Accepted Budget: Rp 150,000
Project Ending: Completed


Service Order from sonnyjap: Jasa Pindah Hosting/VPS/Dedicated & Transfer Domain

[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]

[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]

Administrative Support Support Service Technical Support MySQL PostgreSQL Website MongoDB Linux Administration Apache Nginx

Published Budget: Rp 75,000
Finish Days: 1
Published Date: 22/02/2017 15:28:18 WIB
Start Date: 22/02/2017 23:22:28 WIB
Finish Date: 23/02/2017 21:26:17 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: steven.comptia
Accepted Budget: Rp 400,000
Project Ending: Completed

Kota Tangerang

Top Urgent butuh freelancer yang menguasai nodejs-express untuk perbaikan web marketplace

TOP URGENT! Kami membutuhkan developer yang berpengalaman dengan framework expressjs diatas nodejs. Scope pekerjaan meliputi: 1. Perbaikan cart dan checkout 2. Hasil order tampil di list order 3. Perbaikan login session 4. Sedikit perbaikan CSS (optional) Detail akan kami sampaikan kepada worker yang terpilih. Happy bidding!

Web Programming NodeJS MongoDB

Published Budget: Rp 2,500,000
Finish Days: 3
Published Date: 23/10/2016 09:05:11 WIB
Start Date: 25/10/2016 10:34:49 WIB
Finish Date:
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: id_worker
Accepted Budget: Rp 2,500,000
Project Ending: Self Mediation


Aplikasi Mobile Android (Java) untuk Penjualan Kanvas (Keliling).

Dear All, Saya memerlukan aplikasi tersebut di atas dengan fitur : 1. Upload data Customer, Barang, Pricelist, Piutang dan Stok dari server Online dan Offline. 2. Input data offline di gadget, Customer, penjualan dan pembayaran (tunai dan giro) dengan fungsi CRUD dan cetak Faktur Penjualan. 3. Browse data customer, pricelist, barang, piutang dan stok dengan filter. Data yang berhubungan bisa digabung, expand atau link untuk melihat data yg lain. Data yg bisa digabung : Customer dan Piutang, Barang - Pricelist dan Stok...

Java Mobile Programming Android MongoDB MVC

Published Budget: Open to Suggestions
Finish Days: 30
Published Date: 12/10/2015 08:00:24 WIB
Start Date: 29/10/2015 14:27:10 WIB
Finish Date: 26/11/2015 19:08:58 WIB
Project Status: Closed
Accepted Worker: PonorogoCreativeIT
Accepted Budget: Rp 3,000,000
Project Ending: Completed

Total Rows: 107 ‐ Showing Page 5 of 5


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