Past Projects
Mendesign interior (3D) dengan layout yang sudah ada. Tema : modern & commercial 2 kamar total kamar A (7,31 x 3,58 m ) bed area. toilet kamar B ( 8.10 x 8,50 m ) bed area,toilet, sitting area, wardrobe Jika berminat silahkan lampirkan portofolio dan penawaran.
Architecture CorelDRAW 3D Architecture AutoCAD 3D Modelling Google SketchUp Interior Design 3D Rendering V-Ray SketchUp
Finish Days: 10
Published Date: 08/01/2021 06:45:32 WIB
Start Date: 21/01/2021 01:41:46 WIB
Finish Date: 26/02/2021 17:11:22 WIB
Accepted Worker: putuagussuryawan19
Accepted Budget: Rp 1,450,000
Project Ending: Completed
Video render 1 unit rumah
Tolong buatkan video render dari file sketchup, file sketchup sudah finish beserta interiornya tinggal di buat video render saja, poin utama: tampak depan dan belakang, birdseye, ruang tamu, ruang keluarga, dapur & ruang makan, kamar utama dan 2 kamar anak. kirimkan portfolio terbaik.
3D Animation Blender 3D Architecture 3D Rendering V-Ray SketchUp Video Animation
Finish Days: 3
Published Date: 22/12/2023 15:40:51 WIB
Start Date: 27/12/2023 21:05:35 WIB
Finish Date: 01/01/2024 16:33:31 WIB
Accepted Worker: chintyaaaulia
Accepted Budget: Rp 1,000,000
Project Ending: Completed
Saya membutuhkun design untuk booth pameran komputer baik 3D dan gambar kerjanya butuh yang dapat mengerjakan secara cepat
3D Architecture AutoCAD 3ds Max V-Ray 3D Render Artlantis
Finish Days: 3
Published Date: 08/11/2024 12:24:50 WIB
Start Date: 09/11/2024 08:50:22 WIB
Finish Date: 10/11/2024 11:09:52 WIB
Accepted Worker: yofilim
Accepted Budget: Rp 650,000
Project Ending: In Progress
Pembuatan Design Hoarding untuk proyek
Kita sedang mencari designer untuk mendesign hording untuk pagar proyek yang berukuran 2m x16,5 m... Kami menyukai warna hijau sebagai warna latar (warna major)... Revisi maks 4 kal, bila lebih dari itu maka kami akan memberikan 50.000/revisi. Sekedar info saja, Kami juga msih memeiliki banyak pekerjaan lain yang terkait dengan design...Thx ^^ Design hording terdiri dari: gambar gate (dari kami), rumah (dari kami), foto orang (dari designer), nomor handphone note: Designer yang pernah dan mengerti pembuatan hoarding akan diprioritaskan https://www...
Design Arts Adobe PhotoShop V-Ray Render Engine Spt 3ds Max
Finish Days: 4
Published Date: 31/03/2018 16:25:42 WIB
Start Date: 06/04/2018 10:30:19 WIB
Finish Date: 07/04/2018 14:15:52 WIB
Accepted Worker: aktivadigital
Accepted Budget: Rp 1,000,000
Project Ending: Completed
Membuat Web Tunnel v2ray & Shadowsock-r
[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]
[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]
Finish Days: 10
Published Date: 12/03/2021 14:58:59 WIB
Start Date: 12/03/2021 20:26:02 WIB
Finish Date: 22/03/2021 07:58:02 WIB
Accepted Worker: sshpanel
Accepted Budget: Rp 900,000
Project Ending: Completed
Service Order from hubbabubba: Desain 3D model dan rendering untuk Interior
[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]
[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]
3D Architecture AutoCAD SweetHome 3D 3D Modelling Google SketchUp Interior Design Exterior Design 3D Rendering V-Ray SketchUp
Finish Days: 5
Published Date: 04/07/2022 19:58:48 WIB
Start Date: 06/07/2022 11:25:14 WIB
Finish Date: 08/07/2022 11:20:25 WIB
Accepted Worker: dutakumbara
Accepted Budget: Rp 900,000
Project Ending: Completed
Render 3D dari file sketchup
Kami ada file sketchup 2015 yang berupa design interior ruangan dan ingin dirender menjadi gambar 3D. FIle yang kami butuhkan berupa JPEG sebanyak 8 view. Jika ada yang berminat, nanti file sketchup akan kami kirimkan via email. Terima kasih.
3D Architecture 3D Modelling 3ds Max 3D Rendering V-Ray
Finish Days: 4
Published Date: 06/03/2016 03:59:17 WIB
Start Date: 09/03/2016 11:45:30 WIB
Finish Date:
Accepted Worker: acenghasanudin
Accepted Budget: Rp 500,000
Project Ending: Self Mediation
Render 3D dari file sketchup
Kami ada file sketchup 2015 yang berupa design interior ruangan dan ingin dirender menjadi gambar 3D. FIle yang kami butuhkan berupa JPEG sebanyak 8 view. Jika ada yang berminat, nanti file sketchup akan kami kirimkan via email. Terima kasih.
3D Architecture 3ds Max Interior Design 3D Rendering V-Ray
Finish Days: 3
Published Date: 17/03/2016 09:14:02 WIB
Start Date: 22/03/2016 07:39:07 WIB
Finish Date: 30/03/2016 15:21:38 WIB
Accepted Worker: freshdecember
Accepted Budget: Rp 600,000
Project Ending: Completed
Render sketchup file ke vray 3D
Kami perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang water treatment membutuhkan beberapa file yang perlu di render menggunakan vray, adapun file sketchup nya sudah kami miliki ... yang dibutuhkan adalah layout gambar unit mesin yang dapat didownload di website kami, 1. 2. dan satu lagi adalah mobile toilet yang dapat kami berikan file sketchupnya... Kebutuhan : 1. mohon di render termasuk lingkungannya seperti ada ditepi sungai dengan gambar pipa yang mengalir air menuju mesin mobile filter air tersebut, (gambar lingkungannya belum ada) 2...
Graphic Design 3D Architecture 3D Modelling Google SketchUp 3D Rendering V-Ray
Finish Days: 7
Published Date: 14/04/2015 07:12:24 WIB
Start Date: 28/04/2015 13:06:43 WIB
Finish Date: 01/05/2015 09:02:57 WIB
Accepted Worker: mamanarchi
Accepted Budget: Rp 600,000
Project Ending: Completed
Service Order from elnita: Jasa pembuatan 3D animasi review product untuk presentasi dan pembutan video 3D animasi untuk iklan
[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]
[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]
Business Proposals Business Service Sales and Marketing Business Plans Design Arts 3D Animation 3D Modelling 3ds Max 3D Rendering V-Ray
Finish Days: 2
Published Date: 09/07/2019 23:22:20 WIB
Start Date: 10/07/2019 06:12:05 WIB
Finish Date:
Accepted Worker: afdhal15
Accepted Budget: Rp 250,000
Project Ending: Self Mediation
Render 3D Vray dari file sketchup
Kami membutuhkan render vray 3D utk 6 view dari file skp (file skp akan dikirimkan nanti). Ini merupakan design office. Bagi yg berminat harap kirimkan portfolio nya. Terimakasih
3D Architecture 3D Modelling 3ds Max 3D Rendering V-Ray
Finish Days: 3
Published Date: 23/03/2021 12:03:29 WIB
Start Date: 24/03/2021 13:16:29 WIB
Finish Date: 25/03/2021 19:28:41 WIB
Accepted Worker: HabibHubaebi
Accepted Budget: Rp 600,000
Project Ending: Completed
Service Order from elnita: Jasa pembuatan 3D animasi review product untuk presentasi dan pembutan video 3D animasi untuk iklan
[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]
[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]
Business Proposals Business Service Sales and Marketing Business Plans Design Arts 3D Animation 3D Modelling 3ds Max 3D Rendering V-Ray
Finish Days: 2
Published Date: 06/07/2019 13:19:46 WIB
Start Date: 06/07/2019 16:02:30 WIB
Finish Date: 09/07/2019 17:01:37 WIB
Accepted Worker: afdhal15
Accepted Budget: Rp 600,000
Project Ending: Completed
Service Order from arminharis: Jasa pembuatan 3D animasi review product untuk presentasi dan pembutan video 3D animasi untuk iklan
[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]
[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]
Business Proposals Business Service Sales and Marketing Business Plans Design Arts 3D Animation 3D Modelling 3ds Max 3D Rendering V-Ray
Finish Days: 2
Published Date: 14/01/2019 09:04:15 WIB
Start Date: 16/01/2019 14:59:51 WIB
Finish Date: 31/01/2019 22:10:34 WIB
Accepted Worker: afdhal15
Accepted Budget: Rp 2,500,000
Project Ending: Completed
Service Order from FSPRODUCTIONS: Jasa pembuatan 3D animasi review product untuk presentasi dan pembutan video 3D animasi untuk iklan
[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]
[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]
Business Proposals Business Service Sales and Marketing Business Plans Design Arts 3D Animation 3D Modelling 3ds Max 3D Rendering V-Ray
Finish Days: 2
Published Date: 19/12/2018 10:02:07 WIB
Start Date: 21/12/2018 10:35:01 WIB
Finish Date: 21/12/2018 10:48:42 WIB
Accepted Worker: afdhal15
Accepted Budget: Rp 350,000
Project Ending: Completed
Render 3D Vray dari file sketchup
Kami membutuhkan render vray 3D utk 4 view dari file skp . Ini merupakan design office. Bagi yg berminat harap kirimkan portfolio nya. Terimakasih
3D Animation 3D Architecture 3D Modelling 3ds Max Google SketchUp 3D Rendering V-Ray 3D Render Artlantis
Finish Days: 2
Published Date: 05/09/2021 10:34:48 WIB
Start Date: 05/09/2021 12:45:16 WIB
Finish Date: 05/09/2021 12:46:10 WIB
Accepted Worker: HabibHubaebi
Accepted Budget: Rp 500,000
Project Ending: Completed
Render 3D dari file Sketchup
Kami ada file sketchup 2015 yang berupa design interior kamar dan ingin dirender menjadi gambar 3D. FIle yang kami butuhkan berupa JPEG sebanyak 4 view. Jika ada yang berminat, nanti file sketchup akan kami kirimkan via email. Terimakasih.
SweetHome 3D Google SketchUp Interior Design V-Ray
Finish Days: 2
Published Date: 16/01/2016 23:45:54 WIB
Start Date: 29/01/2016 10:11:18 WIB
Finish Date: 31/01/2016 10:25:29 WIB
Accepted Worker: pungkyradityo
Accepted Budget: Rp 500,000
Project Ending: Completed
Butuh 3D modelling dan render lemari
Saya butuh modeling dan render hasil akhirnya untuk 5 item (4 lemari dan 1 meja meeting). 2 lemari dirender masing2. 2 lemari dan 1 meja meeting dirender di 1 ruangan. Design 5 item tersebut dr saya. Saya butuh selesai di hari Minggu, 24 April 2016. Silahkan bid. Thanks.
3D Modelling 3ds Max 3D Rendering V-Ray
Finish Days: 3
Published Date: 20/04/2016 15:40:11 WIB
Start Date: 21/04/2016 10:24:24 WIB
Finish Date: 24/04/2016 19:16:14 WIB
Accepted Worker: DannieYuuhi
Accepted Budget: Rp 300,000
Project Ending: Completed
Beri Material + Render Realistis Untuk Mobil 3DsMax + V Ray (Due Date 28 Sept)
Dibutuhkan Texturer + Renderer 3Ds Max + V-Ray supaya model mobil terlihat realistis, mewah, mengkilap, seperti terlihat di showroom dan iklan-iklan. Deadline hari Selasa tanggal 28 September 2021. Format dalam bentuk .max dan .obj Output harus dalam bentuk jpg/png dan .max (akan saya edit nanti) Render jpg/png dalam format front view, side view, perspective view, dalam studio background polos abu-abu, material terlihat glossy/mengkilap. Warna mobil: Coklat pasir semi abu-abu seperti di referensi (lain-lainnya accessories, ban warna terserah bebas) Referensi: f Price: Rp 350...
3D Modelling 3ds Max 3D Rendering V-Ray
Finish Days: 4
Published Date: 24/09/2021 08:10:33 WIB
Start Date: 24/09/2021 12:45:19 WIB
Finish Date:
Accepted Worker: putuagussuryawan19
Accepted Budget: Rp 400,000
Project Ending: Arbitrated
Service Order from jundiharsya: Jasa Exterior & Interior Design (High Quality)
[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]
[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]
Architecture 3D Architecture AutoCAD 3D Modelling 3ds Max Interior Design Exterior Design 3D Rendering V-Ray Render Engine Spt 3ds Max
Finish Days: 5
Published Date: 25/03/2020 16:57:17 WIB
Start Date: 25/03/2020 17:20:48 WIB
Finish Date: 10/04/2020 17:02:09 WIB
Accepted Worker: williampardede
Accepted Budget: Rp 550,000
Project Ending: Completed
Service Order from kalvinfoo: Jasa Desain dan 3d Modeling Booth
[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]
[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]
Graphic Design 3D Architecture 3D Modelling 3ds Max Unity 3D 3D Rendering V-Ray SketchUp
Finish Days: 2
Published Date: 02/12/2019 20:30:10 WIB
Start Date: 03/12/2019 08:18:47 WIB
Finish Date: 06/12/2019 14:24:30 WIB
Accepted Worker: putuagussuryawan19
Accepted Budget: Rp 350,000
Project Ending: Completed
Service Order from kokostudio: Jasa Exterior & Interior Design (High Quality)
[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]
[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]
Architecture 3D Architecture AutoCAD 3D Modelling 3ds Max Interior Design Exterior Design 3D Rendering V-Ray Render Engine Spt 3ds Max
Finish Days: 5
Published Date: 05/08/2019 15:43:28 WIB
Start Date: 08/08/2019 13:26:01 WIB
Finish Date: 24/09/2019 12:30:43 WIB
Accepted Worker: williampardede
Accepted Budget: Rp 1,050,000
Project Ending: Completed
Service Order from Nandofio: Jasa Exterior & Interior Design (High Quality)
[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]
[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]
Architecture 3D Architecture AutoCAD 3D Modelling 3ds Max Interior Design Exterior Design 3D Rendering V-Ray Render Engine Spt 3ds Max
Finish Days: 5
Published Date: 28/12/2019 10:57:26 WIB
Start Date: 28/12/2019 12:27:35 WIB
Finish Date: 21/01/2020 20:56:09 WIB
Accepted Worker: williampardede
Accepted Budget: Rp 450,000
Project Ending: Completed
Service Order from dirgatama: Jasa pembuatan 3 modelling (Hard surface)
[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]
[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]
3D Modelling Google SketchUp Rhinoceros 3D V-Ray 3D Printing
Finish Days: 7
Published Date: 05/04/2019 08:54:49 WIB
Start Date: 05/04/2019 21:37:39 WIB
Finish Date: 09/04/2019 16:54:27 WIB
Accepted Worker: Ata.ramadhan
Accepted Budget: Rp 500,000
Project Ending: Completed
Service Order from Indra_P: Pembuatan Jasa Animasi Cinematic Arsitektural Eksterior & Interior
[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]
[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]
Architecture 3D Animation 3D Architecture 3D Modelling Video Editing Adobe After Effects Interior Design 3D Rendering V-Ray SketchUp
Finish Days: 7
Published Date: 10/03/2021 23:09:33 WIB
Start Date: 14/03/2021 02:53:42 WIB
Finish Date: 31/05/2021 09:14:31 WIB
Accepted Worker: Wahyu_Anggareza
Accepted Budget: Rp 3,700,000
Project Ending: Completed
Service Order from garuda25: Jasa 3D Modeling Product dan Lain-lain.
[ This is a private project. Only invited users can see the description. ]
[ Ini adalah private project. Hanya user terundang yang bisa melihat deskripsi. ]
3D Animation 3D Modelling 3ds Max V-Ray
Finish Days: 3
Published Date: 19/03/2021 04:16:58 WIB
Start Date: 20/03/2021 08:51:15 WIB
Finish Date: 20/03/2021 21:48:02 WIB
Accepted Worker: afdhal15
Accepted Budget: Rp 150,000
Project Ending: Completed