• (022) 6902 1117

Freelancer Instruktur Mobile Apps IOS Apple Jakarta


Materi yang diajarkan

Developing iOS 10 Apps with Swift
1. Introduction to iOS 10, Xcode 8 and Swift 3

2. MVC: iOS, Xcode and Swift Demonstration

3. More Swift and the Foundation Framework


5. Gestures and Multiple MVCs

6. Multiple MVCs, View Controller Life Cycle, and Memory Management

7. Error Handling, Extensions, Protocols, Delegation and Scroll View

8. Multithread and Text Field

9. Table View

10. Core Data

11. Core Data Demo

12. Autolayout

13. Timer and Animation

14. Dynamic Animation Demo

15. More Segues

16. Alerts and Action Sheets, Notifications, Application Lifecycle

17. Accessibiliy
18. Communication with Backend API (Additional)

Target Pelatihan
- Buat Kalkulator
- Pengenalan GPS
- Pengenalan Mengakses Database MySQL

Silabus dan Target Pelatihan juga bisa disesuikan dengan saran Instruktur.

Target Peserta :
- Sudah bisa HTML, CSS, & PHP Dassar

Lokasi Pelatihan :
- Jakarta Selatan

Durasi Pelatihan :
-36 Jam

Sesi bisa dipilih :
Alternatif 1: 6 Pertemuan x 6 Jam
Alternatif 2: 9 Pertemuan x 4 Jam

Hari bisa Senin, Rabu, Jumat / Sabtu, Minggu

Mobile Programming iPhone/iOS

Published Budget: Open to Suggestions
Finish Days: 9
Published Date: 09/02/2018 13:04:58 WIB
Start Date:
Finish Date:
Project Status: No Action
Accepted Worker:
Accepted Budget: Rp 0
Project Ending:

Project Owner

Kota Jakarta Selatan
15,620 Point
#13 dari 1,092,332

Accepted Worker

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DICARI AKUN Google Play Console Godev BEKAS

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DICARI AKUN Google Play Console Developer GODEV BEKAS

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Budget: Rp 1,000,000 - 11,000,000


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