• (022) 6902 1117

Automation Testing Laravel Codeship


Hi Worker,

Saya minta dibuatkan untuk automation build testing laravel menggunakan Codeship untuk CI/CD namun Laravel yang digunakan belum menggunakan Docker. Oleh karena itu saya minta dibuatkan untuk auotmation testingnya menggunakan codeship.

Yang saya butuhkan paralel test dan auto deploy. 

Untuk detail icomponent:

- PHPUnit 7.5.0 

- Laravel 5.7

- PHP 7.2

Current setup commands:

# We support all major PHP versions. Please see our documentation for a full list.

# https://documentation.codeship.com/basic/languages-frameworks/php/


# By default we use the latest PHP version from the 5.5 release branch, but Laravel

# requires at least version 5.6.4

phpenv local 7.2

# Install extensions via PECL

#pecl install -f memcache

# Prepare cache directory and install dependencies

mkdir -p ./allscript/bootstrap/cache

cd allscript

composer install --no-interaction

php artisan serve >/dev/null 2>&1 &

Current Test Pipelines

php artisan cache:clear

php artisan optimize

php ./vendor/bin/phpunit -c phpunit.xml

Worker terpilih akan saya invite di tim codeship sayaagar dapat langsung memasukkan stepnya.

PHP Laravel Framework

Published Budget: Open to Suggestions
Finish Days: 7
Published Date: 11/12/2018 09:26:52 WIB
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Project Status: Canceled by Owner
Accepted Worker:
Accepted Budget: Rp 0
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