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Jasa Develop CI/CD Pipeline (windows/Linux)


A CI/CD Pipeline atau Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment, is the backbone of the modern DevOps environment. It bridges the gap between development and operations teams by automating the building, testing, and deployment of applications. 

Our task is to automate the entire process, from the time the development team gives us the code and commits it to the time we get it into production. We will automate the pipeline in order to make the entire software development lifecycle in DevOps/automated mode

Saya menawarkan Jasa Develop CI/CD pipeline. let's discuss your pipeline plan with click button Contact Seller & Deal.

Finish Days: 60

Linux Windows Windows Server Linux Administration



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  Rp 15,000,000
Contact Seller & Deal

Kota Jakarta Pusat
No Ranking

Date Registered 26/07/2015 08:28:08 WIB
Last Seen 09/06/2023 12:06:32 WIB
Online Hours 1,621.24
Projects Won 18
Projects Completed 14
Completion Rate77.78% Good
Projects Arbitrated 4
Arbitration Rate22.22% Good
(Won: 0.00%. Lost: 100.00%)
Current Projects 0


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