• (022) 6902 1117

翻译员 (Translator)


我是一位中文补习班毕业生。我是小学华文课程毕业,获得 A 级证书。我会读,写和 翻译 (Indonesia - Mandarin or Mandarin - Indonesia)。我会翻译一片文章 1.000 个字,一天两片文章。

Hai, all of owner!
I'm graduated from mandarin course. I had been finished my primary level of chinese language and obtaining grade A. I can reading, writing and translating (Indonesia - Mandarin or Mandarin - Indonesia). I can translate 1 article 1.000 words, 2 articles per day.

Finish Days: 1




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  Rp 200,000
Contact Seller & Deal

Edy Tantoro
Kota Tanjung Pinang
No Ranking

Date Registered 07/10/2016 21:08:32 WIB
Last Seen 06/10/2020 20:06:35 WIB
Online Hours 419.00
Projects Won 6
Projects Completed 5
Completion Rate83.33% Very Good
Projects Arbitrated 1
Arbitration Rate16.67% Very Good
(Won: 0.00%. Lost: 100.00%)
Current Projects 0


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Kab. Nganjuk

minta nomor WA

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