• (022) 6902 1117

teguhyuliant (teguhyuliant)



Hi! My name is Teguh. I'm from Indonesia. I work as an Image Editor. I studied art at Semarang State University and graduated in 2013. Now I am active as a freelancer. The tools I use are Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. If you need bitmap or vector image editing, I'm here to help.

Jobs in Image Editing that I like are Product Photo Editing, including:
- Remove photo background
- Change photo background
- Change photo subject color
- Adjust photo color
- Adjust the shape of the photo subject
- Doing photo manipulation
- And also others

I also do other work for Data Entry, including:
- Retype documents from PDF/Photo Scan to WORD
- Doing data input and processing in EXCEL
- Doing e-commerce admin work
- And also other things I can

I hope I can help you wherever you are.

Kind regards,

Teguh Yulianto.

Adobe PhotoShop Adobe Illustrator Microsoft Office

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User Name: teguhyuliant
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 18/07/2021 17:19:16 WIB
Last Seen: 13/01/2022 09:59:19 WIB
Online Hours: 31.12
Projects Won: 0
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Jasa Edit Foto Menghapus Latar Belakang (Background) Gambar

Rp 50,000     
0.00/10.00 0

Saya akan membantu anda untuk menghapus latar belakang (background) pada foto / gambar dan menjadikannya transparan maupun menggantinya dengan warna putih. Sehingga anda bisa menggunakannya untuk keperluan anda semisal sebagai foto produk e-commerce ataupun untuk social media. Rp 50.000,- untuk 5 foto (menghapus latar belakang saja dan penyesuaian brightness contras jika diperlukan) Terima kasih sudah mampir, semoga saya bisa membantu anda.

Total Rows: 1 ‐ Showing Page 1 of 1




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2021: Object Removing, menghapus objek atau benda di dalam foto dan menyesuaikan latar belakangnya.

2021: Object Replacement, mengganti objek atau benda di dalam foto dengan objek yang lain.

2021: Remove Background and Retouching, menghapus latar belakang, menjadikannya transparan atau menggantinya dengan warna datar, dan menyesuaikan warna objek.

2021: White Background and Retouching, mengganti latar belakang objek dengan warna putih dan menyesuaikan warna objek.

2021: Retouching and Remove Background, menyesuaikan bentuk objek dan menghapus latar belakang.

2021: Logo Design for Each Merchandise
Logo Design for Your Business
Logo Design for Your Club

Just send me message, and I will create sample first.

2021: Logo Design for Each Merchandise
Logo Design for Your Business
Logo Design for Your Club

Just send me message, and I will create sample first.

2021: Logo Design for Each Merchandise
Logo Design for Your Business
Logo Design for Your Club

Just send me message, and I will create sample first.

2021: Logo Design for Each Merchandise
Logo Design for Your Business
Logo Design for Your Club

Just send me message, and I will create sample first.

2021: Logo Design for Each Merchandise
Logo Design for Your Business
Logo Design for Your Club

Just send me message, and I will create sample first.

2021: Logo Design for Each Merchandise
Logo Design for Your Business
Logo Design for Your Club

Just send me message, and I will create sample first.




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