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insanulakbarsk (insanulakbarsk)



Hello, let me introduce myself. I'm Insanul Akbar S.K. I graduated as the top student from the State Islamic University Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, majoring in Electrical Engineering with a concentration in Telecommunications. Currently, I work as a programmer at PT. Garuda Cyber Indonesia. I have handled several application systems and produced various products. I am proficient in the latest versions of the Codeigniter and Laravel frameworks.

MySQL PHP CodeIgniter Laravel Framework

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User Name: insanulakbarsk
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 17/08/2023 08:29:35 WIB
Last Seen: 27/05/2024 18:52:05 WIB
Provinsi: Riau
Kabupaten: Kab. Bengkalis
Website: insanulakbar.com
Online Hours: 0.51
Projects Won: 0
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2019: Smart Campus Application (Collaboration)

This application was built for campus academic services. Both from filling in KRS, korespondensi, payments and various kinds of features in it

Aplikasi ini dibangun dengan Codeigniter 3

2019: Simfoni Ofon

The features provided in this system are in the form of customer data, financial reporting that are interconnected between divisions (technology, finance, NOC).

Aplikasi ini dibangun dengan Codeigniter 3

2019: Company Profile (Ofon)

This website is enabled for the promotion and marketing of Products from PT.Persada archipelago telecommunications or ofon.co.id. and also provides information about news and careers.

Aplikasi ini dibangun dengan Codeigniter 3.

2019: The features provided by this system are in the form of
company activities, company records and data, and a
collection of company activities.

Aplikasi ini dibangun dengan Codeigniter 3

2021: This application is a seaman certification application within the Malahayati Aceh Polytechnic. Where this application is connected to the VA Edupay BTNS payment.

Aplikasi ini dibangun dengan PHP Native

2021: Penerimaan mahasiswa baru Universitas Adzkia.

This application is a new student admission application that is interconnected with payments or payment gateways

Aplikasi ini dibangun dengan Laravel 5

2021: WMK Universitas Riau (Collaboration)

This app is built for entrepreneurial apprentices. Where students can register (onboarding). And all internship activities are accessed through the system, both logbooks, or daily activities. Where this application consists of student levels, instructors, partners and lecturers.

Aplikasi ini dibangun dengan Codeigniter 3.

2021: MBKM Universitas Pasir Pengaraian

Is an independent apprentice registration application either from the Ministry of Education and Culture or internal campus. Where this application is interconnected with Tripay payments

Aplikasi ini dibangun dengan Codeigniter 4.

2021: Warung Kampus

It is a website selling student and lecturer products. Where this application is interested with the campus academic system. And consumers can order products through this application.

Aplikasi ini dibangun dengan Codeigniter 4

2021: SiDesta (Sistem Desa Wisata)

This website provides information about tourism in the Bukit Batu Tourism Village. and also displays tourism products, or tourist attractions. In addition, the public can buy products through this system.

Aplikasi ini dibangun dengan Codeigniter 4

2022: This application is an application that is enabled for alumni of a campus. Where students fill out questionnaires through this application. And this application also provides

2022: This website is a campus news website that provides information about the campus at Awal Bros University.
Aplikasi ini dibangun dengan Codeigniter 4.

2022: Malay Independent Research

This system is used for collecting research on lecturers in the Bengkalis district. We can see the form of research through this website.

Aplikasi ini dibangun dengan Codeigniter 4.

2022: This application is a reporting application to the leadership of the foundation. Both related to data on students, students, lecture mrs and staff. And in this application there are also health or polyclinic features.

Aplikasi ini dibangun dengan Laravel 8

2023: Aplikasi RPL Universitas Adzkia.
Merupakan aplikasi pendaftaran matakuliah dan asesmen mahasisw RPL.

Aplikasi ini dibangun dengan Laravel 10.

2023: Wisuda Universitas Tamansiswa Padang.
Merupakan aplikasi untuk manajemen dan pendaftaran wisuda. Dibangun dengan Aplikasi Laravel 8.




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