Seorang mahasiswa yang mempunyai ketertarikan pada bidang programming, video editing, music composing and mixing, writing, science, blog, android, medicine, health, advertising, home recording, analysis, web administrator, etc.
Syarif Miftahudin (miftahudin)
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User Name: | miftahudin |
Account Type: | Personal Account |
Date Registered: | 05/07/2015 12:30:17 WIB |
Last Seen: | 19/02/2019 18:20:48 WIB |
Provinsi: | DI Yogyakarta |
Kabupaten: | Kab. Bantul |
Website: | |
Online Hours: | 11.97 |
Projects Won: | 1 |
Projects Completed: | 1 |
Completion Rate | 100.00% Excellent |
Projects Arbitrated: | 0 |
Arbitration Rate | 0.00% Excellent |
Current Projects: | 0 |
Ratings & Rankings
As Worker
6 Point
#9,705 dari 1,270,999
1 Projects
6 Point
#9,705 dari 1,270,999
1 Projects
As Owner
17 Point
#10,535 dari 1,270,999
1 Projects
17 Point
#10,535 dari 1,270,999
1 Projects
As Seller
0 Point
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0 Point
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0 Sales
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0 Point
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0 Users
0 Point
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0 Users
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Project Ending: Completed Rating: (10/10)
Hasil kerja bagus dan cepat, sesuai yang diharapkan. Recommended freelancer.
John-Junior 11/10/2016 22:54:26 WIB miftahudin - tuliskan satu artikel dan pasang di web/log Anda
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Project Ending: Completed Rating: (10/10)
Arahannya jelas
yessinurhidayat 29/09/2018 01:33:18 WIB Menulis Cerbung / Serial Cerpen
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