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AlifAZakaria (AlifAZakaria)



A lifetime learner who passionate about writing world. Talented content writer with an eye for detail and creative abilities. Skilled in creative thinking, leadership, public speaking, and research. Proven track record of creating engaging and compelling content. Seeking to join the Catika Group as a Content Writer to utilize my skills in content creation, collaboration, and project management. As a content writer, I relise to create impactful content for the audience . In order to meet these needs, I always deeply research. So I can create short, concise, and clear content. Because in the procces to create a great content is conduct 1% write, and 99% crafting. At the end I can contributed actively to increase engagement and value from the company where I work

Writing Content Writer

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User Name: AlifAZakaria
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 26/03/2023 23:21:12 WIB
Last Seen: 29/04/2024 13:29:35 WIB
Provinsi: Banten
Kabupaten: Kota Tangerang Selatan
Online Hours: 22.19
Projects Won: 0
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Jasa penulisan content untuk blog, tanpa typo, enak dibaca, dan seo friendly (10 buah)

Rp 120,000     
0.00/10.00 0

Saya seorang blogger sejak tahun 2018. Saya terbiasa menulis dengan hasil riset yang mendalam, sehingga tulisan yang dihasilkan memiliki kredibilitas tinggi.     Silahkan pesan jasa penulisan saya, seharga Rp 120.000 untuk 10 konten, dengan kriteria:     Konten minimal 500 kata     1x revisi     Sesuai konten brief     Buruan pesan, dan tingkatkan visibilitas web anda!    

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