• (022) 6902 1117

kharismadewi (kharismadewi)



Hello, My name is Dewi Kharisma, a professional article writer with more than 4 years of writing experience! I am ready to write the SEO article or regular article/blog that your company/site needs! I will write high quality, 1000+ words content for your website or blog, fast and with free revisions if needed! 

Also, I personally write every order I receive, and it ensures you get the same quality every time you place content orders. From blog posts to articles, I can write on almost ANY topic you want, even if I need to do research. These are just a few of the topics on which I have already written 100's of content. 

- Amazon affiliate 

- Tutorials

- Listicles 

- Medical/Health 

- Entertainment 

- Internet marketing 

- Video games 

- Lifestyle, etc. 

After ordering, you'll be asked to provide a topic and a single keyword for each post. I generally aim for 1% to 2% keyword density, including close matching phrases. If you have specific keyword requirements, just let me know ahead of time. 

You get hand-written, grammatically flawless, original content matched to the voice and style of your blog. Specify one keyword that you want each article to target, and I'll get to work researching and writing an awesome piece. 

 If you work with me, I guarantee the following: 

 ✔ Copyscape passed contents, always! 

✔ 100% Original and Unique Articles 

✔ Unlimited Revisions 

✔ Grammarly (Premium) checked and well-structured contents! 

✔ SEO optimization! 

✔ Unique voice and tone to draw readers in 

✔ Engaging hook to compel visitors to read to the end 

✔ Convincing call-to-action 

✔ Time Framed Delivery 

✔ Research from authoritative sources in the field when relevant 

Even if you only give me one keyword, I'll research some for you and build related ones into the content. 

This ultimately leads to more traffic for you. Plus, Google will also recognize that you have covered the topic thoroughly and show it to more users. 

I keep an eye on grammatical quality in my writings to keep things flowing. I can write essays on a variety of topics, both simple and complex. Now all you have to do is express your thoughts. 

Work with me, and I guarantee you that you will always receive an accurate, cleverly written, well-researched content on the topic you desire! 

So hit that order button and let's get to work.

Writing Blog Wordpress Copywriter Screenwriting Content Writer

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User Name: kharismadewi
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 27/07/2021 08:49:34 WIB
Last Seen: 08/03/2024 18:27:20 WIB
Provinsi: DI Yogyakarta
Kabupaten: Kab. Sleman
Online Hours: 15.81
Projects Won: 1
Projects Completed: 1
Completion Rate100.00% Excellent
Projects Arbitrated: 0
Arbitration Rate0.00% Excellent
Current Projects: 0

Ratings & Rankings

As Worker
15 Point
#8,085 dari 1,243,566
1 Projects
As Owner
0 Point
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2021: Guest Post Writer in many blogs

2021: Guest post writer in many blogs



Project Ending: Completed         Rating:      (10/10)

Recommended worker with unquestionable skills and professional behavior. 

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