• (022) 6902 1117

Metha Damayanti Putri (metaputri18)



my name is metha damayanti putri. I'm currently an International Fashion Business student from ESMOD Jakarta. 

I provide service mainly in Marketing Analyst , Marketing management as my background is fashion business student and I have a lot of experience in this field. For Event Organizer, I've been handling a big event since I was in senior high school with several internal events. and in 2018, I'm handling SMESCO Minang Festival that held by Mrs. Mufidah Jusuf Kalla. With my fashion business background, I have a great understanding of people, I'm also good at communication and negotiation. Not only that, but I also have great research skills as I am used to doing so on a daily basis and I have great organizing skills so I am an excellent freelance worker for business-related jobs.

for language, I'm able to speak with France, Indonesia, and English.

Pertaining to my work ethic, I daresay I am one of the best. You, honored employers, are welcome to see my reviews and my works through my portfolio and do entrust me with your needs. It would be a great pleasure to be able to contribute to your projects

Internet Campaign Social Media Marketing (SMM) Sales and Marketing Illustration Adobe PhotoShop Photography Email Handling Microsoft Office Networking Instagram

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User Name: metaputri18
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 30/10/2020 20:02:32 WIB
Last Seen: 30/10/2020 22:43:00 WIB
Provinsi: Banten
Kabupaten: Kota Tangerang Selatan
Online Hours: 2.64
Projects Won: 0
Projects Completed: 0
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Projects Arbitrated: 0
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Current Projects: 0

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2018: 2nd-year project : social media campaign on 2018

2020: Curicullum Vitae

2020: Final project : creating an line extension For International Footwear brand ( Havaianas )




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