• (022) 6902 1117

Alfian H Pratama (alfianhpratama)



I am an Mobile developer expert with 7 years of experience in this field. If you're looking for a one-size-fits-all programmer for your business, then you've found the perfect candidate!

My Flutter ability includes:

  • GeoLocation and Map
  • Push Notification (Firebase / One Signal)
  • API integration /  Connect the App with the Server
  • Publish Deployment (Uplod app to Play Store and App Store)
  • Strava Integration
  • Use the Third Party
  • etc

Flutter architectures' approaches:

  • State Management: Bloc(Cubit)
  • Clean Architecture Principle
  • SQL database: Sqflite, NoSQL database: Hive (for better Performance) or Firestore (for the online database)
  • Background Task: WorkerManager
  • Notification: Firebase, One Signal or Local Notification
  • Software: Android Studio, Vscode, Jira, Trello.
  • Version Control: Git
  • Repository Management, Bitbucket, Github, and Gitlab.

My background:

I have 2 years of experience as a native android developer, then i switched to flutter and have 3 years experience I've already created 11 apps (5 Native, 6 Flutter) with tracking, marketplace app, management app, etc.

I can build your project with high quality in time than you want. My main goal - bring a good quality of code, and always be responsive/open with the client regarding tasks.

If you work with me together, you will always be satisfied with my productions and passion. Hope we can discuss further detail and want to keep working only with you.

Hope your contact. Thank you.

MySQL Java Android PHP Android studio Flutter

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User Name: alfianhpratama
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 10/07/2020 09:42:43 WIB
Last Seen: 09/01/2022 17:26:52 WIB
Provinsi: Jawa Barat
Kabupaten: Kab. Bekasi
Online Hours: 41.97
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