• (022) 6902 1117

N.Maritza (N.Maritza)



I am currently an active student at IPB University majoring in Food Science and Technology. I am a member of the journalism organization on campus, and I get used to create writing for publication on campus. I also have a great interest in graphic design and logo design. I have experience in creating attractive creative designs and understand the principles of effective design to improve branding.

Logo Design Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Word Content Writer Canva

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User Name: N.Maritza
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 29/10/2024 14:15:58 WIB
Last Seen: 26/11/2024 13:40:11 WIB
Online Hours: 0.30
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2024: I am a food technology undergraduate student at IPB University. I'm currently joining a student activity unit related to art design and journalistic. I�m a creative specializing in design, art, and writing. I thrive on bringing ideas to life through visual and compelling narratives. Whether I'm designing graphics or crafting engaging content, I�m passionate about creating meaningful connections and inspiring others through my work.




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