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MuhammadAmmar314 (MuhammadAmmar314)



Halo, perkenalkan saya Muhammad 'Ammar Abdurrahim seorang Programmer Fullstack Developer Laravel. Saya saat ini bekerja di perusahaan impor sebagai Programmer. Saya menguasai bahasa pemrograman PHP dan menggunakan framework Laravel, Javascript, dan Python.

JavaScript PHP HTML Laravel Framework Phyton

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User Name: MuhammadAmmar314
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 10/01/2024 10:10:38 WIB
Last Seen: 30/12/2024 22:13:00 WIB
Provinsi: Banten
Kabupaten: Kab. Tangerang
Website: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFf_wacjew/15HHrfwgRwO21CZwLmJCNA/view?utm_content=DAFf_wacjew&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink
Online Hours: 50.17
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2023: Square POS is a web application of point of sales that is used to process transactions by customers. Beside that, this application also can add members, add products, and view transaction details.

2023: TrapeLib is a web application of a lending books in a library. This aplication can add publishers, add authors, and add members. This application can also monitoring a lender who have not returned the book yet.

2023: A simple landing page of company profile which has about, features, and careers menu. Besides, It has an admin panel that can edit the landing page's content. So the company doesn�t need to edit the code of the landing page.

2023: Member Portal of RTSXPEDISI is a web app that will be used by customers of my current company. In this web app, give information to the customer that can see the status delivery, list of invoices/payments history, and notifications.

2023: Customer Relations Management is a technology that manage the relation and interaction customer of our company and help to increase relation for our customer and get new customer fastly using web app. This web app, give information to the user, can stores interaction with our customer, and broadcast information to our customer.




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