• (022) 6902 1117

humaira (humairaa)



An English Education graduate who loves to read, write, and translate. Formerly worked as an editor, a teacher, a ticketing agent, and an administrative staff. Currently volunteering as Indonesian translator at armymagazine.co

Transcription English Email Support Microsoft PowerPoint Translation Writing Administration Microsoft Office Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel

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User Name: humairaa
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 12/08/2020 11:42:39 WIB
Last Seen: 08/11/2021 12:17:02 WIB
Provinsi: Jawa Tengah
Kabupaten: Kab. Brebes
Website: https://medium.com/@yallrobun
Online Hours: 70.34
Projects Won: 3
Projects Completed: 3
Completion Rate100.00% Excellent
Projects Arbitrated: 0
Arbitration Rate0.00% Excellent
Current Projects: 0

Ratings & Rankings

As Worker
56 Point
#5,055 dari 1,258,030
3 Projects
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2020: Terjemahan Artikel "Running with BTS: RUN BTS! Season 1 Recap" dari Artikel Asli https://www.armymagazine.co/post/running-with-bts-run-bts-season-1-recap

2020: Terjemahan Artikel ARMY Magazine Press The ON Button and Let The Healing Power of MOTS: 7 Do The Rest https://www.armymagazine.co/post/previously-on-bts-february-17-23-press-the-on-button-and-let-the-healing-power-of-mots-7-do-the-rest

2020: Terjemahan Artikel ARMY Magazine "RUN BTS! SEASON 3 RECAP - PT 1 - EPISODES 57-76: THE SECRET OF HAPPINESS IN A HAPPY MESS" https://www.armymagazine.co/post/run-bts-season-3-recap-pt-1-episodes-57-76-the-secret-of-happiness-in-a-happy-mess

2020: Terjemahan Artikel ARMY Magazine "A Letter To BTS" https://www.armymagazine.co/post/a-letter-to-bts

2020: Terjemahan Artikel ARMY Magazine 25 April-1 Mei "PREVIOUSLY ON BTS - APRIL 25-MAY 1: THE 7 WONDERS OF BTS" https://www.armymagazine.co/post/previously-on-bts-april-25-may-1-the-7-wonders-of-bts

2020: Terjemahan Artikel ARMY Magazine "House of ARMY pt. 2 The Special Breed that is ARMY Dads" https://www.armymagazine.co/post/house-of-army-pt-2-the-special-breed-that-is-army-dads

2020: Terjemahan Artikel ARMY Magazine "HARVARD CASE STUDY REVIEW: “Big Hit Entertainment and Blockbuster Band BTS: K-Pop Goes Global”" HARVARD CASE STUDY REVIEW: “Big Hit Entertainment and Blockbuster Band BTS: K-Pop Goes Global”



Project Ending: Completed         Rating:      (8/10)

Good worker mungkin untuk bidang hukum kurang ahli menterjemahkan 

Project Ending: Completed         Rating:      (10/10)

pekerjaan bagus dan selesai tepat waktu sesuai instruksi yang diberikan

Project Ending: Completed         Rating:      (10/10)

Bagus. Recommended. Pekerjaan persis seperti yang diminta. 

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