• (022) 6902 1117

Ichwansh (Ichwanah)



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User Name: Ichwanah
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 04/06/2020 06:12:32 WIB
Last Seen: 20/07/2024 01:50:23 WIB
Provinsi: DKI Jakarta
Kabupaten: Kota Jakarta Selatan
Online Hours: 4.26
Projects Won: 1
Projects Completed: 1
Completion Rate100.00% Excellent
Projects Arbitrated: 0
Arbitration Rate0.00% Excellent
Current Projects: 0

Ratings & Rankings

As Worker
100 Point
#3,704 dari 1,185,279
1 Projects
As Owner
0 Point
No Ranking
0 Projects
As Seller
0 Point
No Ranking
0 Sales
As Affiliate
0 Point
No Ranking
0 Users




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2024: - Software Developer at AXA Mandiri Financial Services (Feb 2024 - Now)
- Mobile Developer Apprenticeship at GoTo Impact Foundation (Jun 2024 - Aug 2024)



Project Ending: Completed         Rating:      (10/10)

Terimakasih, worker profesional,amah dan cepat

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