hidayat.purwoputro (hidayat.purwoputro)
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User Name: | hidayat.purwoputro |
Account Type: | Personal Account |
Date Registered: | 26/01/2018 10:50:51 WIB |
Last Seen: | 11/07/2023 19:52:40 WIB |
Provinsi: | |
Kabupaten: | |
Website: | |
Online Hours: | 130.18 |
Projects Won: | 0 |
Projects Completed: | 0 |
Completion Rate | - |
Projects Arbitrated: | 0 |
Arbitration Rate | - |
Current Projects: | 0 |
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867 Point
#753 dari 1,259,247
7 Projects
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Project Ending: Completed Rating: (10/10)
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Project Ending: Completed Rating: (10/10)
Dapat dipercaya
Project Ending: Completed Rating: (10/10)
Luar biasa pak hidayat dengan project App Lapakspa jasa terapis bekerjasama dengan mitra yayasan tuna netra memberikan kesempatan bagi semua kalangan untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan sesuai keahlian. sukses selalu pak
Project Ending: Completed Rating: (10/10)
Auto-rated by system.
Project Ending: Completed Rating: (10/10)
Owner ramah, detail scope pengerjaan terstruktur. terimakasih Pak hidayat
siap membantu
Project Ending: Completed Rating: (10/10)
Pak hidayat Owner komunikatif dan ramah memberikan pengarahan projectnya. Siap membantu pak, jika membutuhkan bantuan hubungi saya langsung.
Project Ending: Completed Rating: (10/10)
Auto-rated by system.
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