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kai (iamapinndev)



Hai, nama saya Muhammad Muqtafin Nuha, tapi biasa dipanggil Kai. Saya berusia 22 tahun dan saat ini sedang menempuh pendidikan di jurusan Teknik Informatika di Universitas Trunojoyo, di mana saya berada di semester 7. Saya telah mendapatkan pengalaman berharga melalui magang, termasuk 6 bulan magang sebagai karyawan magang Sistem Informasi di PT. Mitra Alam Persada. Selain itu, saya berpartisipasi dalam program MSIB batch 6 sebagai Full Stack Web Developer di PT. Arkatama Multi Solusindo selama 5 bulan. Saya juga memiliki pengalaman sebagai Programmer di Scomptec.

Python MySQL PHP CodeIgniter CPanel Content Management System (CMS) Laravel Framework ReactJS Canva React Native

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User Name: iamapinndev
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 15/09/2024 08:45:09 WIB
Last Seen: 07/10/2024 22:09:37 WIB
Provinsi: Jawa Timur
Kabupaten: Kab. Gresik
Website: https://kai-dev.my.id/
Online Hours: 11.08
Projects Won: 0
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2021: A-Health is an application that can help improve the quality of health and has interesting features and features found in several applications combined in this application. This UI/UX was created using Adobe XD Software.

2022: Harapan PAPA Hospital is a WEB-based hospital system that is useful for patients in arranging consultation schedules, booking rooms, ordering drugs, etc. this system with an admin panel that is useful for doctors, nurses and admins in displaying information about hospitals.

2023: CT-One Landing Page is created to deliver information to young members about the Advanced Training Program organized by the Creative Computer Club Student Association (UKM Creative Computer Club). This program is specifically aimed at young members, and it is held once a year.

2023: CITRA is an organization within Himpunan Mahasiswa Sipil that is engaged in developing capabilities and facilitating competition needs of ITS Civil Engineering students and especially AHMS for the sake of improving the achievements of the almamater.

2023: This is a Machine Learning web application for predicting data based on input data.

2024: This website was created to display company information on the landing page and provide realtime annual, monthly, daily production information to the company.




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