kriting (kriting)
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User Name: | kriting |
Account Type: | Personal Account |
Date Registered: | 17/10/2017 16:39:07 WIB |
Last Seen: | 24/08/2024 18:58:02 WIB |
Provinsi: | |
Kabupaten: | |
Website: | |
Online Hours: | 606.81 |
Projects Won: | 0 |
Projects Completed: | 0 |
Completion Rate | - |
Projects Arbitrated: | 5 |
Arbitration Rate | - |
Current Projects: | 0 |
Ratings & Rankings
As Worker
0 Point
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0 Projects
0 Point
No Ranking
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As Owner
614 Point
#1,088 dari 1,258,753
67 Projects
614 Point
#1,088 dari 1,258,753
67 Projects
As Seller
0 Point
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0 Point
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0 Users
No record found.
No record found.
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No record found.
Project Ending: Completed Rating: (10/10)
good buyer di tunggu next order
jasa trafik visitor website
HITs_Media 28/02/2022 14:17:53 WIB Service Order from kriting: Jasa Tambah 20rb Visitor/Traffic/Penggunjung Website/Blog
Project Ending: Completed Rating: (10/10)
good buyer di tunggu next order
jasa visitor google
HITs_Media 20/12/2021 23:21:02 WIB Service Order from kriting: Jasa Tambah 20rb Visitor/Traffic/Penggunjung Website/Blog
Project Ending: Completed Rating: (10/10)
Auto-rated by system.
Deli_Riyanto 10/06/2020 06:46:36 WIB Butuh jasa design logo
Project Ending: Completed Rating: (10/10)
pelanggan tetap yang top markotop
tritabayu 26/05/2020 22:30:09 WIB Buat Banner
Project Ending: Completed Rating: (10/10)
owner langganan, makasih mas atas kerjasamanya :)
tritabayu 24/04/2020 10:32:06 WIB Buat banner
Project Ending: Completed Rating: (10/10)
super gan
tq gan
Iswanto 13/04/2020 08:16:21 WIB Memperbaiki fungsi CI
Project Ending: Completed Rating: (10/10)
tq gan
5 star
Iswanto 07/04/2020 11:44:15 WIB Update table dengan Codeigniter
Project Ending: Completed Rating: (10/10)
Order Kesekian Kali dari owner ini, bersahabat dan enak diajak diskusi. top mas :)
tritabayu 04/04/2020 09:05:35 WIB Desain Cutting Sticker
Project Ending: Completed Rating: (10/10)
mantepp min
novalraihan74 31/03/2020 19:08:33 WIB Programmer Android
Project Ending: Completed Rating: (10/10)
super gan
Iswanto 29/03/2020 16:04:44 WIB Tampilkan data berupa decimal ke long
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