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sulthanalihsan (sulthanalihsan)



Hi, i am Muhammad Sulthan Al Ihsan, you can call me sulthan, i am a computer engineer graduate, i am a mobile developer especially in flutter development. i am also a trainer for flutter at a training institution located in jakarta called imastudio (indonesia mobile apps academy), 

so i have experience in mobile dev with flutter, i try best to satisfy my client to realize your dream to build your apps and deliver the best result for project at the specified time

You can find me on my social media


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User Name: sulthanalihsan
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 03/02/2020 11:30:48 WIB
Last Seen: 10/02/2024 17:49:49 WIB
Provinsi: DKI Jakarta
Kabupaten: Kota Jakarta Barat
Online Hours: 38.45
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2020: Projek yang saya buat menggunakan flutter aplikasi tersebut dapat melakukan komunikasi dengan backend (CRUD)




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