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muhlisunnur (muhlisunnur)



Nama saya Muhlisun Nur Hidayat, usia 23 tahun.

Saya memiliki kemampuan dalam mengerjakan projek pemrograman arduino, internet of things, jaringan komputer, menulis, dan lain-lain. Saya juga telah berhasil menjadi mentor untuk beberapa projek yang berkaitan dengan arduino dan internet of things secara online maupun offline

Data Entry Arduino Microsoft Office Cisco Youtube Content Writer

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User Name: muhlisunnur
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 23/12/2018 18:04:23 WIB
Last Seen: 02/02/2022 11:23:38 WIB
Provinsi: DI Yogyakarta
Kabupaten: Kab. Sleman
Website: brouterbug.blogspot.com
Online Hours: 49.18
Projects Won: 1
Projects Completed: 1
Completion Rate100.00% Excellent
Projects Arbitrated: 0
Arbitration Rate0.00% Excellent
Current Projects: 0

Ratings & Rankings

As Worker
8 Point
#9,306 dari 1,258,670
1 Projects
As Owner
0 Point
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0 Projects
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0 Point
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0 Sales
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0 Point
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0 Users




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2021: Projek Deteksi Banjir berbasis Internet of Things

2022: Mentoring Projek Visitor Counter berbasis Internet of Things

2022: Mentoring dan Pengerjaan Projek Sistem Keamanan Rumah/Gedung dengan Arduino dan ESP32 Cam



Project Ending: Completed         Rating:      (10/10)

Great job. Great content

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