• (022) 6902 1117

Agnes Imada (Agnesimada)



Good day everyone,

I am Agnes Imada. My area of specialization are on Graphic Design and Motion Graphic, which for the last three years have been proven and sharpen by providing the best pieces based on brief for corporate needs.

More of my works can be accessed on following link: 


For further information or inquiries, kindly contact me through e-mail. I'd be very happy to help.


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User Name: Agnesimada
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 30/03/2018 23:54:15 WIB
Last Seen: 24/11/2018 06:56:36 WIB
Provinsi: DKI Jakarta
Kabupaten: Kota Jakarta Selatan
Website: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/3/my-drive
Online Hours: 32.33
Projects Won: 0
Projects Completed: 0
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Projects Arbitrated: 0
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Current Projects: 0

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2017: Wedding Invitation for Dessy and Taufan

2017: Logo for Rumkins Bouquet

2017: CCAI-CSR-Logo 10 Years Bali's Big Eco Weekend 2017

2018: CCAI-Greeting Card for Product Launch

2018: CCAI-Internal Activation-Office Move Brochure

2018: CCAI-Internal Activation-Office Move Welcome Kit

2018: CCAI - Flyer Industry 4.0

2018: Infografik Langkah Aman Hadapi Bencana

2018: Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia-Internal Activation-Office Move

2018: Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia-Internal Activation-Route Riding

2018: Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia-Internal Activation-Office Move

2018: Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia-Internal Activation-International Women's Day 2018

2018: Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia-Internal Activation-Bin Branding

2018: Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia-Internal Activation-Management announcement

2018: CCAI-CSR-Infografis

2018: Logo Skinny Dip

2018: CCAI-Internal Activation-Get Fit and Have Fun Event

2018: CCAI-Internal Activation-International Womens Day 2018




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