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Muzirahman (Muzirahman)



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User Name: Muzirahman
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 23/06/2016 01:54:20 WIB
Last Seen: 23/06/2016 02:47:38 WIB
Provinsi: Nangroe Aceh Darussalam
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2016: Marketing Strategy oriented to create added value for customers and build relationships with the customer relationship

Create added value by understanding market needs include the desires of customers , conduct customer research and market , organizing marketing information and customer data , build integrated marketing methods and provide added value , building a mutually beneficial relationship in creating customer satisfaction

The main factor that causes change in Marketing Strategy In marketing strategy, there bebarapa main factors that can cause changes are: 1. Cycle life cycle of products, strategies must be adapted to the stages of life cycle, namely the introduction stage, growth stage, maturity stage and the stage of deterioration. 2. The level of competition in the market, marketing strategies must be tailored to the company's position in the level of competition, whether in the category of lead, challenge, follow or just take a fraction of a niche market. 3.
The state of the economy, marketing strategies must be adapted to the economic situation, the company must look ahead and develop a long-term strategy to meet changing conditions in their industry and ensure the continuity of the company in the long term Step-by-Step Marketing Strategy Implementation Application of Marketing Strategy through the following steps:
• Market Segmentation (Market Segmentation), is the act of dividing the market into distinct groups of buyers with the needs, characteristics, or different behavior that may require separate products or marketing mix
• Determination of Target Market (Market Targeting), which is the process of evaluating the attractiveness of each market segment and select one or more segments to be served, the determination of the target market consists of designing a strategy to build the right relationship with the right customers, or a large corporation may decide to offer a complete range of products to serve all segments of the market, most companies enter new markets by serving a single segment, and if it proved successful, they add segments
• Differentiation and Market Position (Differentiation & Positioning), the company must decide how different deals market for each target segment and what position he wants to occupy in those segments, product positioning is the place occupied products relative to competitors in the minds of consumers, marketers want to develop a position unique market for their products. If a product is considered identical to other products on the market, consumers have no reason to buy it.

Developing a Marketing Strategy and Integrated Marketing Mix
Having defined marketing strategy, the company is expected to implement and plan the details of the marketing mix (Marketing Mix) is a collection of controllable tactical marketing tools - product, price, place, and promotion of the combined company to produce the desired response in the target market.

The marketing mix consists of all the things you can do to influence the demand for its products consisting of "four P's" are:

• Product (product), the combination of goods and services offered to the target market includes: variety, quality, gesain. features, brand name, and packaging.

• The price (price), is the amount of money that must be paid customers to acquire products include: the list price, discount price cuts, the payment period and credit terms

• Place (place), activities of the company that makes the product available for targeted customers include: location, distribution channels, inventory, transportation and logistics

• Promotion (promotion) means activities that convey product benefits and persuade customers to buy include: Advertising and sales promotion.
Effective marketing programs must be able to integrate all elements of the marketing mix into a fully integrated marketing program designed to achieve the company's marketing objectives by delivering value for consumers.




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