My name is Lestari. I wrote books and journals. I review some articles.
Lestari_07 (Lestari_07)
Statistical Analysis Microsoft PowerPoint Writing Microsoft Word Analysis Data Analysis Quantitative Analysis RAB (Rencana Anggaran Biaya)
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Date Registered: | 10/04/2024 20:53:40 WIB |
Last Seen: | 14/10/2024 16:09:24 WIB |
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2022: The study aimed to analyze the barriers to implementing biosecurity measures. Biosecurity refers to a collection of procedures designed to keep disease from spreading beyond the farm. Isolation, sanitation, and cage traffic control are all biosecurity strategies. At 2021, this study was carried out in Selli village, Bengo subdistrict, Bone regency, South Sulawesi province. Bone Regency is noted for being the largest livestock supplier in the province of South Sulawesi. A total of 35 people were chosen to be observed and questioned with the help of a questionnaire. The information gathered was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results revealed that only 2.86 percent and 28.57 percent of respondents used quarantine or provided fences or barriers as isolation or segregation methods. Farm visitors were not provided with sanitary facilities. Everyone entering or exiting the cage was not subject to traffic control. The absence of information was the first roadblock to biosecurity adoption (65.71 percent). Then came a lack of time (31.43 percent) and a hefty price (2.86 percent). Therefore, training and extension should be provided by the Animal Hsubandary Services and Private Sectors.
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