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arafat1419 (arafat1419)



I am a Mobile Engineer at PT. Nusa Satu Inti Artha (DOKU). I have learned about Android Development since 2021 from Bangkit Academy led by Google, Tokopedia, Gojek, and Traveloka. I am a person who can work individually or in teams, a hard worker, committed, ready to work under pressure according to the target, willing to learn, and like to learn something new.

Java Mobile Programming Android iPhone/iOS Android studio Flutter Kotlin

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User Name: arafat1419
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 15/07/2023 14:29:53 WIB
Last Seen: 07/10/2024 17:35:44 WIB
Provinsi: DKI Jakarta
Kabupaten: Kota Jakarta Barat
Online Hours: 53.95
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2021: Coral-ID is an Android application that can classify the taxonomy of corals through uploaded images or images taken. With Coral-ID, we wish to change from the traditional methods of coral identification to the modern method that is much more accurate, cheap, and fast. Therefore, it will help to understand the ecology of corals and make better preservation plans. This application also has an objective as a citizen science project for coral reefs. Since the coral can be easily identified using a trained model inside the app, anyone can partake in this citizen science project. We wish that through this project, the public will raise their awareness about crucial and threatened marine ecosystems like coral reefs.

2022: Mengantri-App builds for some people that want to take queue numbers from home and to help the company manage their customer's queue numbers. I created this everything on this project from scratch such as design, back-end, and app

2022: Telkom sharing knowledge lite app

2022: DOKU, layanan dompet digital yang membantu sipapun untuk menyimpan uang, melakukan pembayaran online dan offline dengan AMAN, kapanpun dan dimanapun dengan Mudah. Anda juga dapat membayar berbagai macam tagihan bulanan, membeli pulsa serta transfer saldo ke sesama pengguna DOKU, semua dalam genggaman Anda.




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