• (022) 6902 1117

Ekobayu (Ekobayu)



Hi, my name is ekobayu, I'm electrical engineer who passionate in programming microcontroller like arduino and ESP8266/ESP32 using C/C++ language. I'm capable to designing and prototyping automation system that integrate sensors, microcontrollers, aktuators and also interface (Human Machine Interface) for user. I had experience in microcontroller project arround 3 years. Beside that I'm able to programming web application (REST Web Server or just simple profile pages) using web framework like laravel and front end framework like bootstrap.

Based on my experience i'm providing this services below (but i also willing to take another service)  :

  • Hardware Prototyping (Product Designing)
  • PCB Designing (Proteus, Eagle)
  • Microcontroller Programming (Arduino, ATmega, ESP8266, ESP32) and Single board computer programming (Raspberry Pi)
  • Matlab or Octave programming
  • Web base app or REST Web Server (Laravel framework, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, Javascript)
  • Mobile App (Ionic framework v1)

CorelDRAW AutoCAD JavaScript C/C++ HTML Bootstrap Laravel Framework Microcontroller Atmel AVR OpenWRT

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User Name: Ekobayu
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 11/09/2017 11:09:37 WIB
Last Seen: 02/08/2024 16:35:27 WIB
Provinsi: Jawa Tengah
Kabupaten: Kab. Purworejo
Website: https://ekobayuhit.github.io/
Online Hours: 25.68
Projects Won: 3
Projects Completed: 3
Completion Rate100.00% Excellent
Projects Arbitrated: 0
Arbitration Rate0.00% Excellent
Current Projects: 0

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Jasa Pembuatan RESTFUL Web Server untuk Mikrokontroller Arduino/ESP8266 (IoT)

Rp 3,500,000     
0.00/10.00 0

Halo, salam kenal. Saya membuka layanan jasa pembuatan RESTFUL Web Server untuk mikrokontroller Arduino atau ESP8266. Berikut adalah fitur yang saya tawarkan. Fitur untuk Panel Web Admin: Auth/login Visualisasi data sensor real-time (chart/bar optional sesuai kebutuhan) Merekam semua data sensor ke database Dibantu deploy web ke platform heroku sehingga web bisa langsung beroperasi dan diakses dari internet Fitur untuk Mikrokontroller : Kode sumber mikrokontroller untuk mengirim data ke web (HTTP method-POST/GET/PUT/DELETE optional sesuai kebutuhan) API untuk integrasi dengan web server Dipersilakan untuk meminta kustomisasi sesuai kebutuhan...

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2016: This is my first project that implemented internet of things technology. This project is about monitoring the temperature of bloods pack (kantong darah PMI) with LM35 temperature sensor, platform iot thingspeak.com and android app. The main goal is to maintenance the temperature of blood pack between 2 degree celcius-6 degree celcius.

2017: This is my first hardware prototyping that grant funded by RISTEKDIKTI. I and my team designing and prototyping smart device to monitoring electrical usage (power, voltage, current) by household electronic devices with dev.board nodemcu esp8266, zmpt101b as ac voltage sensor and acs712 as ac current sensor. I also added relay to enable user to switch on/off his electronic device. For the interface i used android app powered by ionic framework.

2018: I designing web app for smart parking system to serve user who want to reserve parking spot in easy way. I also built REST communication for sensing device that installed on the field to always monitoring the occupied of the parking spot. The main goal is fully integration of hardware and software to improve management of parking area efficiently.

2018: For other project you can see the detail on this link http://soedirmanmoeda.herokuapp.com



Project Ending: Completed         Rating:      (10/10)

Sukses selalu

Project Ending: Completed         Rating:      (10/10)

Makasih ya mas atas kerja sama nya

Project Ending: Completed         Rating:      (10/10)

Makasih mas udah dibantu 

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