1. 10 tahun pengalaman sebagai full stack developer
2. sistem aplikasi di PT Multi Harapan Utama berbasis Web
antara lain :
1. SHINTA (Safety and Health Integrated Notification Threat Application)
Project description
Applications to meet OHS needs for reports, checks, hazard reports d.l.l complete with email notifications
as well as monthly / weekly reports
2. LISA ( Legal Integrated System Application )
Project description
Applications for legal departments
Request form online (request instrument agreement, correspondence, power of attorney and letter of
assignment), report all documents, email due date alerts for instrument agreement
3. PRISILIA ( Purchase Request Integrated Sign, Library And Approval. )
4. GRANIA ( Geotechnical Report and Warning Application )
5. RISA untuk Form Recruitment Karyawan
6. REMA ( Risk Management Aplication )
7. ECI ( Enterprise Complience Index )
8. RIRIN ( Regulatory Integrated Reporting Information and Notification )
Project description
Project Legal mengenai regulatory permit dan notifikasi email untuk pengurusan izin (perpanjangan) yg
dapat di tentukan rentang waktunya serta memberikan pengkategorian tertentu terhadap permit-permit
yg ada
4. saya bertanggung jawab dan pekerja keras, ingin belajar lebih banyak ilmu dari client dan membuat sistem aplikasi berdasarkan keinginan client:)