• (022) 6902 1117

Randy Riolis (r4ndh1)




I am programmer and website developer. I’m worker holic and like to experiment with the latest IT world. Especially the programming language (priority I’m a web developer). I will never give up on a problem to the point where the peak point really does not find the way out / alternative. I like shopping for about technologi of IT as a supporter in work. I enjoy learning and experimenting to find new things in the world of technology and technological developments, especially the technology of website development. Every day almost from 10 to 15 hours of time I spent in front of the computer.



  • Content Managemenet System (CMS)
  • WordPress Advanced
  • PHP
  • Framework (Laravel)
  • MySQL, Postgres, SQL Server
  • VPS (Local, DO, Vultr, AlibabaCloud, GCP, AWS, UpCloud, Azure, OracleCloud, HuawaiCloud)
  • VPS Panel (aaPanel, Cpanel, Webuzo, DirectAdmin, CyberPanel)
  • API Programming
  • Responsive Layout
  • Slicing PDF/Image/AI/PSD to HTML
  • Bootstrap
  • SMTP Relay
  • Email Marketing Domain

History my projects:

  1. Slicing Design to Theme Wordpress
    • Asuransi Judi (Portal Site) - 10/2020, Indonesia
    • Karya Prima Putera Perkasa - Primadoc (Company Profile) - 04/2020, Indonesia
    • 4CV Register Australia (Company Profile) - 03/2020, Sydney
    • Premi Pintar (Company Profile - 03/2020, Indonesia
    • APG Website (Company Profile) - 03/2020, Sydney
    • Classic Car Show (Event Leads) - 02/2020, Sydney
    • Mundaring Hills Physio (Company Profile) - 2019, Sydney
    • Bassendean Physio (Company Profile) - 2019, Sydney
    • Rapha Centre (Company Profile) - 2019, Sydney
    • Woodlands Physio (Company Profile) - 2019, Sydney

  2. Convert HTML to Theme Wordpress
    • PD Pal Jaya (Company Profile) - 05/2020, Indonesia
    • 1Sites (Blog) - 02/2020, Indonesia
    • Express Signs (Company Profile) - 01/2020, US

  3. Clone site and create Theme Wordpress
    • Ion Club (Gambling) - 05/2020, Indonesia
    • Asia Pools (Gambling) - 04/2020, Indonesia
    • SpiritBet (Gambling) - 04/2020, Indonesia
    • Rumahna (eCommerce) - 2019, Indonesia

  4. Maintenance & Update
    • PT. Amerta Indah Otsuka - SoyJoy (Company Profile) - 04/2020, Indonesia
    • Kelas Bahasa Arab Online (Blogs) - 03/2020, Indonesia
    • Kidsplanet (eCommerce) - 03/2020, Indonesia
    • Palm Oil Indonesia (Company Profile) - 03/2020, Indonesia
    • PT. Ditek Jaya (Company Profile) - 02/2020, Indonesia
    • PT. Inasentra Unisatya (Company Profile) - 02/2020, Indonesia
    • Digital Growth (Funnel Marketing) - 01/2020, Indonesia
    • Alat Selam (eCommerce) - 2019, Indonesia

  5. Remove Malware
    • Cat Paragon (Company Profile) - 01/2020, Indonesia
    • Java Aviation Academy (Company Profile) - 2019, Indonesia

  6. Optimasi Page Speed (Gtmetrix)
    • Harvent (Company Profile) - 2019, Indonesia
    • Dapur Garment (eCommerce) - 2019, Indonesia
    • Ditz Brand (eCommerce) - 2019, Indonesia

  7. Optimasi Google Pagespeed (Insight)
    • Kelambu (Blog Adsense) - 01/2020, Indonesia

  8. Manage, Build & Config VPS
    • Kiddobaby (eCommerce) - 10/2020, Indonesia
    • Super Turis (eTicketing) - 2019, Indonesia

  9. Our Partner
    • MangaIndo (Manga Reader) - Indonesia
    • CocoOnline (eCommerce) - Indonesia
    • Layartancap (Streaming movie) - Indonesia

MySQL PHP CodeIgniter CPanel Wordpress Content Management System (CMS) CSS Templates Wordpress Templates HTML CSS

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User Name: r4ndh1
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 17/11/2014 17:11:45 WIB
Last Seen: 05/02/2024 11:48:54 WIB
Provinsi: DI Yogyakarta
Kabupaten: Kab. Bantul
Website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/randy-riolis/
Online Hours: 2,697.33
Projects Won: 101
Projects Completed: 92
Completion Rate91.09% Very Good
Projects Arbitrated: 12
Arbitration Rate11.88% Very Good
Current Projects: 0

Ratings & Rankings

As Worker
4,711 Point
#73 dari 1,185,381
92 Projects
As Owner
-18 Point
#15,094 dari 1,185,381
3 Projects
As Seller
30 Point
#381 dari 1,185,381
3 Sales
As Affiliate
0 Point
No Ranking
2 Users



Jasa Setting & Oprek Pagespeed Website WordPress

Rp 500,000     
10.00/10.00 (1 sales) #516 dari 16,390

Sebuah website berperan sangat penting bagi pemilik usaha baik company profil, toko online dan lainnya. Pondasi utama sebuah web adalah kepercayaan dan layanan service yang sangat memuaskan untuk user pengunjung suatu website. Apa jadinya jika website anda sangat lambat untuk di akses oleh user, sangat merugikan jika hal ini terus di diamkan bahkan bisa berdampak website anda tidak akan ada pengunjung dan hasilnya website anda seperti kuburan alias sangat sepi. Apakah website anda tergolong seperti berikut ini: Website saya sangat lemot ketika di akses padahal koneksi saya kenceng? Web saya sangat bagus tapi lambat ketika di akses? Web saya sekor gtmetrix bagus tapi kok masih lemot ya? Web saya sekor gtmetrix bagus tapi kok google speed jelek baget? Disini saya akan menawarkan Jasa mempercepat loading website anda berbasis WordPress, kenapa jasa ini hanya untuk WordPress karna untuk saat ini WordPress sangatlah banyak pengguna cms wordpress bisa di bilang sangat user friendly bagi awam web...

Jasa Menghapus Malware WordPress

Rp 350,000     
10.00/10.00 (2 sales) #315 dari 16,390

Sebuah website berperan sangat penting bagi pemilik usaha baik company profil, toko online dan lainnya. Pondasi utama sebuah web adalah kepercayaan dan layanan service yang sangat memuaskan untuk user pengunjung suatu website. Apa jadinya jika website anda tiba-tiba terkena serangan virus atau malware, sangat merugikan jika hal ini terus di diamkan bahkan bisa berdampak website anda di tandai website spam atau web malware. Disini saya akan menawarkan Jasa menghilangkan malware di situs web berbasis WordPress, kenapa jasa ini hanya untuk WordPress karna untuk saat ini WordPress sangatlah rentan dan mudah di serang malware dan virus...

Jasa Pembuatan Website Profesional

Rp 2,000,000     
0.00/10.00 0

JASA PEMBUATAN WEBSITE (Toko Online, Company Profil, Sekolah, Instansi, dll). Harga bisa Negosiasi sampai deal. Contoh WEBSITE yang sudah dibuat: http://piyomiyo.com http://tabletennisoutlet.com/new/ http://kingsautolight.com http://shoesandcare.com http://integraloffset.com http://molaytactical.com http://shoesandcare.com http://archimedes-academy.com http://matta.localtobacco.com http://virgocar.besaba.com http://e-smkn2tmg.besaba.com http://matta.localtobacco.com http://melati...

Total Rows: 3 ‐ Showing Page 1 of 1




No record found.




2012: Aplikasi pengolahan data gaji pegawai SDN

2013: Website streaming Hotel Pura Puspa Indah

2013: Aplikasi pengolahan data penerimaan peserta didik baru berbasis Client Server SMK 1 Depok

2013: Website Sistem pendaftaran siswa baru berbasis integrasi SMK 1 Depok

2014: Aplikasi pengolahan data PSB SMA Muhammadiyah Mlati

2014: Website sistem informasi kos di Yogyakarta

2014: Website sistem informasi biro perjalanan barokah wisata

2014: Website E-learning SMK Negeri 2 Temanggung

2014: Website pemasaran dan penjualan Virgo Car Audio Temanggung

2015: Company profile Archimedes Academy menggunakan cms wordpress

2015: Company profile Vidi Catering menggunakan cms wordpress

2015: Compeny profile Integral Offset menggunakan cms wordpress

2015: Website company profile Shoes & Care, www.shoesandcare.com, Localtobacco, Yogyakarta, 2015

2015: Website ecommerce Molay Tactical, www.molaytactical.com, Localtobacco, Yogyakarta, 2015.

2015: Redesign website BuddhaZine, www.buddhazine.com, KatanaDnet, 2015.

2016: Softlens Queen - Website e-commerce menggunakan wordpress & woocommerce

2016: Website e-commerce menggunakan wordpress & woocommerce

2016: Build and maintenance Website Aybela, www.aybela.com, KatanaDnet, Temanggung, 2016.

2020: Optimasi Google Page Speed, Jasa Optimasi Social Media, Des 2020 - Indonesia



Project Ending: Self Mediation         Rating:      (-/10)

Penyelesaian Arbitrase

Kedua belah pihak mencapai kesepakatan bersama penyelesaian arbitrase di mana Worker menerima Rp 336,000 (100%) dan Owner menerima Rp 0 (0%). Dengan ini arbitrase dinyatakan selesai.
Project Ending: Completed         Rating:      (10/10)

Good job as always. Client should expect professional result if having Randhi on the project. Recommended worker. 

Project Ending: Completed         Rating:      (10/10)

Has been working with Randhi on many projects. I can recommend him.

Project Ending: Completed         Rating:      (10/10)

Good work as usual Randy

Project Ending: Completed         Rating:      (10/10)

Great work as usual, prompt and quick in work.
Project Ending: Completed         Rating:      (10/10)

Hasil Cepat dan Kmunikatif sangat recomendeed

Project Ending: Completed         Rating:      (10/10)

Great work as usual, prompt and quick in work.

Project Ending: Completed         Rating:      (10/10)

Very good job. Work are up to expectations. I highly recommend Randhi to work with website projects.

Project Ending: Completed         Rating:      (10/10)

Great work as usual, prompt and quick in work. Will have more projects with him for sure.

Project Ending: Completed         Rating:      (10/10)

Pekerjaan worker mantab hasilnya, fast respon juga. Tidak hanya jago ngoding setup vps dll mahir dan cekatan. next order lagi klw butuh bantuan.

Total Rows: 101 ‐ Showing Page 1 of 11



Project Ending: Completed         Rating:      (8/10)

terimakash projectnya.

mudah2an bsa berlnjut bkerjasama dengan owner yag ramah,

Project Ending: Completed         Rating:      (10/10)

Komunikatif, fleksible, dan gamblang dalam memberi penjelasan tentang detail project owner seperti ini yang worker suka..

Project Ending: Completed         Rating:      (8/10)

Recommended owner. Terimakasih kerjasamanya.

Total Rows: 3 ‐ Showing Page 1 of 1



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