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Date Registered: 20/03/2017 11:49:37 WIB
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2015: JL. Ekor Kuning IV No. 45

2016: Establishment of the Generation Foundation Amungme Risen

Generation Foundation Amungme Risen (Foundation GAB) was established because the background deep concern over the founder of the social conditions of local communities, especially Timika Amungme increasingly deteriorated. One problem faced by local communities in particular Timika Amungme range from a foreign culture clash outstanding (culture shock) where the Amungme still lay education, knowledge of modern public life, circumstances force people to be confronted with sophisticated technology, to compete with those highly educated people, face people who have knowledge / insight higher and so on. This situation is illustrated “Amungme not a professional runner, forced bets run by professional runner”; who wins? of course professional runner! The situation is impacting people’s lives in different dimensions. A classic problem that people face is masyarakattidak can achieve the same as what was achieved by people who are highly educated and experienced. It is psychologically very heavy and negative implications for the social life of local communities, such as: loss of leadership, local elite more concerned with personal life than the interests of the community and his generation, the community suffered moral degradation, loss of life expectancy, the erosion of community life “IPOs customs “, is involved in the conflict, easy to cause envy, ultimately to be helpless and mostly young people run into things that ruin his future, and not a few who died at a young age.

In addition to communities facing severe problems, and in children is actually a next generation does not get a decent education; Pregnant mothers do not receive appropriate care and not a few of the Son and mother died. Founder of view, if the situation is allowed and lasting without any improvements and changes to the maximum, especially local communities Amungme be extinct on the earth Amungsa. The situation can be strengthened by throughout the month of September 2015, continuous Amungme died until the number reached 10 people, out of the ten that most are young.

The solution to the social problems of the society, there must be a radical way and smashed the strong to push for changes in the society. However, an obstacle or challenge for the facilitator is the geographical and topographical conditions of the area Amungsa severe and extreme. The natural Menaklukkankondisi need a budget that is not little and require people paranoid classmates Mr. Wilson, who dared to conquer the natural conditions are very challenging and managed to build a mine Erstberg “building a mine on the moon”. Thoughts normal and normal things will not be able to bring people out of the social situation which is getting harder and heavier.

One alternative solution that could help this situation is through education. Start by improving the state of education of existing and building new facilities in the mountains and in the cities. While improving the comfort and quality of education for their children, in the education community can be motivated to emerge from the downturn that hit the social conditions of their lives. GAB Foundation encourages these changes arose as a mediator and facilitator for the community and Amungme generation to follow the changes and raise young children.

GAB Foundation has a solid belief that one of the attempts to change the state of the society who have acute through education. When you continue to focus on managing the patterned school dormitories, 20 years later will produce people who are humble and have a high responsibility so that in the future they will serve sesamadengan iklas. They were what would donate regional development and local and national economies. While people are still educated properly. Because the people who are already educated, will create an environment that is safe and comfortable. A safe and comfortable environment allows for economic growth and rising indices in the various dimensions of development.




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