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Hardianto Jouga Pratama (hardiantojp11)




My name is Hardianto Jouga Pratama

I am a professional Software Engineer (Fullstack/Backend/Mobile Android) with 6 years of experience. I have developed an e-commerce application (istana bunga semarang, sobatsewa.com, rent a gown Pantai Indah Kapuk, Kelas Bangsa), Property Management application (Inland Nusantara Realty, Metaknox), Support Ticketing (Prototype: creative-application.online, Tamarys Hidro), Library MySQL to MongoDB query parser for Officeless App (officeless.studio). Authentication microservices with asymmetric encryption for Officeless App, API microservices for Officeless App, Webhook microservices for Officeless App, Patient Monitoring Portal for ob-gyn in RS Fatmawati Jakarta (Medscoppe), Android Application: Rent a Gown Pantai Indah Kapuk, Kelas Bangsa, Wyromed. 

My skill to develop all this application is Golang Native and Gin Framework, PHP with CodeIgniter or Laravel (v5-9) framework, MySQL, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL for the Backend (server side). My Frontend skill is Vue.JS, Node.JS, Angular, HTML, Javascript, Ajax, CSS, TS, and SCSS. My Android Developer skill is Kotlin. I save the application to the repository using git with Github and Bitbucket. 

MySQL PHP Flask Python Java Spring MVC Laravel Framework AngularJS MongoDB Golang VueJS Kotlin

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User Name: hardiantojp11
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 03/12/2021 11:40:38 WIB
Last Seen: 23/10/2024 23:50:12 WIB
Provinsi: Jawa Barat
Kabupaten: Kab. Bogor
Website: creative-application.online
Online Hours: 123.63
Projects Won: 1
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Current Projects: 1

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2022: Property Asset Monitoring (Finance, Development, Internal Team Management, Sales) for Metaknox LKU Company.

2023: Sobat Sewa is a e-commerce for rent anything in Indonesia




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