• (022) 6902 1117

supartinah.ind (supartinah.ind)



My name Supartinah,

I am bachelor degree of Law at Universitas Andalas and currently running a Master of Law education at Universitas Nasional. I have good communication and interpersonal skills with the ability to work with the rest of the position and I have great multi-tasking abilities, so I can work on several projects at once.

I also have experience performing administrative duties that include writing agreements, drawing up documents, writing reports and presenting information to management, corporate partners and clients. I was  an administrative staff at UKS Unand, where I have spent the past 3 years honing these skills.

I'm fast learner and flexible, and I believe that I would be an asset and positive addition to my project. 

Administrative Support Presentations Microsoft PowerPoint Voice Talent Writing Microsoft Word Copywriter Content Writer

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User Name: supartinah.ind
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 11/02/2021 12:44:22 WIB
Last Seen: 13/05/2024 10:34:23 WIB
Provinsi: Banten
Kabupaten: Kota Tangerang Selatan
Online Hours: 280.29
Projects Won: 4
Projects Completed: 2
Completion Rate50.00% Fair
Projects Arbitrated: 2
Arbitration Rate50.00% Fair
Current Projects: 0

Ratings & Rankings

As Worker
29 Point
#6,668 dari 1,247,215
2 Projects
As Owner
0 Point
No Ranking
0 Projects
As Seller
0 Point
No Ranking
0 Sales
As Affiliate
0 Point
No Ranking
35 Users



Jasa pembuatan CV berkualitas pasti dipanggil interview

Rp 50,000     
0.00/10.00 0

Halo Saya menyediakan jasa pembuatan CV berkualitas, tidak mengutamakan design namun mengutamakan isi dan kelayakan CV untuk diproses ke tahap seleksi kerja selanjutnya baik psikotes maupun tahap interview. Saya mengikuti pelatihan tips dan trik membuat CV layak rekrut yang diadakan oleh beberapa senior yang bekerja di Perusahaan ternama. Jadi dipastikan CV yang saya buat berkualitas dan tidak mengecewakan. 

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Project Ending: Self Mediation         Rating:      (-/10)

Penyelesaian Arbitrase

Kedua belah pihak mencapai kesepakatan bersama penyelesaian arbitrase di mana Worker menerima Rp 200,000 (67%) dan Owner menerima Rp 100,000 (33%). Dengan ini arbitrase dinyatakan selesai.
Project Ending: Self Mediation         Rating:      (-/10)

Penyelesaian Arbitrase

Kedua belah pihak mencapai kesepakatan bersama penyelesaian arbitrase di mana Worker menerima Rp 172,000 (34%) dan Owner menerima Rp 328,000 (66%). Dengan ini arbitrase dinyatakan selesai.
Project Ending: Completed         Rating:      (10/10)

baik sekali

Project Ending: Completed         Rating:      (10/10)

baik sekali

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