• (022) 6902 1117

rikidwiw (rikidwiw)




Personal Information

 Name                             :  Riki Dwi Wiliyanto

Date of Birth                 : 17 October 1992

Contact Address           :  Cisait Puri Pratama, B d8c/12,  Cisait

                                                       Kragilan - Serang

Phone                             : 081291159796

Citizen                           :  Indonesian

Sex                                 : Male

Religion                         : Islam

Marital Status                :   -



 2013 – Now                   University ( Multimedia ) at Cikupa Tangerang


2007 – 2010                  Senior High School, at Solo Central Java



2002 – 2007                   Yunior High School, at Solo Central Java


1997 – 2002                  Elementary School, at Solo Central Java


Organization Experience












BEM ( Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa)

Ketua Regu







Technical Skills




· Operating System

Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 prof update

·         Ms. Office ( Word, Excel, Power point )

·         Design grafis ( Adobe Photoshop, Coreldraw )

·         Multimedia ( Ulead Video Studio, Camatasia, Macromedia Flash  )

·         Web Design ( PHP, HTML, CSS, JAVASCIPT)





2010             :    CV. ARYA GRAMEDIKA, SOLO as Designer grafis (Prakerin)

2010-2012    :    PT. HARDAYA SHOE COMPONENT,  Jatake- Tangerang as Adm

2012- now    :    PT. Parkland World Indonesia at Serang- Banten as Staff  planning         prod  IP ( injection Phylon )





·      Good interpersonal and communication skill

·      Able to coordinate and communicate with project team. Have an ability to work     either individual or in a team.

·      Highly motivated in to learn new skills/technologies, excellent analytical/problem-solving skills, fast-learner, committed, hard-worker, and self-   initiative.

·      Interested in travelling, reading, and social activities

·      Creative and imajinatif.






CorelDRAW Graphic Design Adobe PhotoShop Google SketchUp Multimedia Programming Web Programming Web Design Microsoft Office HTML CSS

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User Name: rikidwiw
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 07/11/2017 11:16:07 WIB
Last Seen: 06/12/2017 07:19:36 WIB
Provinsi: Banten
Kabupaten: Kab. Serang
Online Hours: 106.75
Projects Won: 0
Projects Completed: 0
Completion Rate-
Projects Arbitrated: 0
Arbitration Rate-
Current Projects: 0

Ratings & Rankings

As Worker
0 Point
No Ranking
0 Projects
As Owner
0 Point
No Ranking
0 Projects
As Seller
0 Point
No Ranking
0 Sales
As Affiliate
0 Point
No Ranking
0 Users




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2017: Icon baru puspiptek th 2017

2017: cover design

2017: logo training center

2017: Don cafe brand

2017: album profil

2017: editing by photoshop

2017: desain PS kamera HP

2017: QIP req LOGO

2017: logo QMS for pwi


2017: Design brosur

2017: Design brosur 2

2017: weddingbook unik

2017: cover undangan

2017: undangan make with corel

2017: undangan miyanak

2017: iseng2 buat desain

2017: TDAT KAOS part 1

2017: TDAT KAOS part 2

2017: TDAT KAOS part 3

2017: req desain jacket

2017: the power of design

2017: DC logo for T-SHIRT

2017: art with corel Vs PS

2017: logo puspiptek 2




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