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otakita (otakita)



Otakita fokus di bidang web development dari mulai perancangan sistem, development hingga maintenance sistem.

Otakita mensupport semua teknologi di bidang web application dan web services.

Produk online yang dibuat meliputi Tour & Travel (Real Online Ticketing System), Sistem Penjualan Retail dengan payment gateway (online shop), Sistem Manajemen Properti (Legalitas,  Logistik, Produksi, Finance dan Marketing), Payrol (custom dengan fingerprint).

Portofolio : https://codecanyon.net/user/otakita/portfolio

Kontak ; [email protected]

Web Programming PHP Website Website Building Web Scrapping

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User Name: otakita
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 30/11/2015 08:12:47 WIB
Last Seen: 30/05/2023 12:40:42 WIB
Provinsi: DI Yogyakarta
Kabupaten: Kota Yogyakarta
Website: http://www.otakita.com
Online Hours: 189.95
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Setup Basic Server Digital Ocean

Rp 1,000,000     
0.00/10.00 0

Service ini meliputi : Create Droplet untuk semua region Menggunakan Centos 6 (stabil) Apache PHP MySQL Cpanel(versi gratis) Setting FTP Tutorial cara setup website dengan domain Tutorial akses server dengan SSH Akses remote MySQL (tanpa PHPMYADMIN -> PHPMYADMIN bisa memberatkan) Install Torrent (Biar bisa download torrent high speed) Bisa create unlimited domain

Website B2B Online Tiket Pesawat, Kereta Api dan PPOB

Rp 3,000,000     
0.00/10.00 0

Kami memiliki produk website Tour Travel (B2B) dengan spesifikasi fitur : Pencarian, Book, Issued Pesawat Domestik dengan pembayaran Payment Gateway (Virtual Account) dan transfer manual Pencarian, Book, Issued Kereta Api dengan pembayaran Payment Gateway (Virtual Account) dan transfer manual AUTO ISSUED menggunakan payment gateway Komisi Upto 100% Free Https default Dasboard Admin yang mudah digunakan Bisa setting paket keagenan sendiri (harga dan fitur) Bisa mengembangan jaringan keagenan dengan konsep share profit Bisa menjual PPOB (Pulsa, PLN, BPJS, dll) Satu saldo dan laporan Fitur selalu diupdate Banyak fitur lainnya (bisa PM atau email contact@otakita...

Website B2C Online Tiket Pesawat dan Kereta dengan Payment gateway

Rp 10,000,000     
0.00/10.00 0

Kami memiliki produk website Tour Travel (B2C) dengan spesifikasi fitur : Pencarian, Book, Issued Pesawat Domestik dengan pembayaran Payment Gateway (Virtual Account) dan transfer manual Pencarian, Book, Issued Kereta Api dengan pembayaran Payment Gateway (Virtual Account) dan transfer manual AUTO ISSUED menggunakan payment gateway Komisi Upto 100% Free Https default Dasboard Admin yang mudah digunakan Support Website Keagenan juga (B2B) (tambahan biaya 3 juta) Bisa setting paket keagenan sendiri (harga dan fitur) Bisa mengembangan jaringan keagenan dengan konsep share profit Bisa menjual PPOB (Pulsa, PLN, BPJS, dll) Fitur selalu diupdate Banyak fitur lainnya (bisa PM atau email contact@otakita...

API Mutasi Bank BCA, BNI, Mandiri, BRI

Rp 60,000     
0.00/10.00 0

Menyediakan API untuk proses ambil mutasi bank BCA, BNI, Mandiri, BRI. Sistem menggunakan teknologi terbaru sehingga cepat dalam mengambil data. Butuh waktu hanya 4-5 detik setiap request. Biaya sangat terjangkau dan bisa nego jika 2 akun atau lebih. Service ini bisa diimplementasikan untuk auto deposit untuk e-commerce pribadi, rekap mutasi tak terbatas (di bank hanya bisa 2 bln terakhir). Service kami bisa tembus bank BNI dan BRI (sistem tanpa input Captcha). Jaminan sistem stabil, jika tidak kami akan mengembalikan uang Anda 100%...

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2016: Room Rent Management

Simple to manage, EASY to use and posible to control admin in the right position. It’s a time to change your rent business from manual to computerize.
Who Can Use It ?

This item is the right choice if you have rooms, villas, guest houses or apartments that you want to rent it anytime as you want. You can control all of your properties quickly and simple enough in minutes.
The Features

All of this features will help you very much :

Full Custom Privilege
Each of page in this item are controlled by privilege number and only can be accessed by admin who have the same number privilege.

House Management
You can control all the houses that you have.

Room Management
You can control all the rooms that you have.

Privilege Group Management
With this concept of privilege, you can determine name of group privilege by yourself.

Admin Management
You can modification privilege and house privilege of each admin
Set Custom Price at Certain Date (Optional)
This feature will unlock ability to set price or disabled each room in certain date. Easy to use and useful if you already have planning for the next month or even year.

Book Management
You can book room, guest house, villa and even add additional cost, give a discount and create payment. Payment support for cash and credit card.

Customer Management
Save your customer data. Can be use for next transaction.

Expense Cost Management
Very helpful to report your cashflow periodically.

Payment Report, Transaction Report, Cashflow Report and Room Report.

2016: Room Management with Custom Price Calendar

Flexible date selection for a simple way to custom room price like weekend price, holiday pricem, and other event. It is possible too for add or edit room and change status available for each room.

Easily integrate with book system like hotel, guest house or just room rent.
Who can use this code ?

If you have book system like hotel system, guest house or room rent, you can add this code for complement your features.

2017: PHP Web Screenshot

Web ScreenSHOT is a fast way to capture all website content and save it into an image. It’s only need about 10 seconds for one screenshots (depending on website)
Who Can Use It ?

If you have website that need to create screenshot for other website, maybe for cache or something like that, this web app is your need.
The Features

Some kind of features:

Screenshot your favorite website.
Resize it into thumbs or according to the needs.
Crop it with custom size (width x height) and margin (top and left).
Give watermark like text or image.



Project Ending: Completed         Rating:      (10/10)

pekerjaan sudah di selesaikan sesuai dengan permintaan

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