• (022) 6902 1117




Hi, I'm Indra Permana. Web and mobile developer from Bandung, Indonesia. Currently i work in a company as Software Engineer. I have 20-30 hrs/week for my freelance work. I have more than 3 years experiences in web and mobile development using some technology such as .Net, Laravel, Code Igniter and Android. 

If you have more question about me, feel free to ask.

English Java Android Web Programming ASP.NET PHP .NET Framework C#

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User Name: idpiin
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 30/11/2014 07:45:17 WIB
Last Seen: 22/06/2020 16:47:02 WIB
Provinsi: Jawa Barat
Kabupaten: Kab. Bandung
Website: indra-permana.com
Online Hours: 56.38
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2014: Enhancement TIDMS Application

Enhancement TIDMS Application Phase 1 and Phase 2 at PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java (PT PHE ONWJ)

Role : Consultant at iCreativeSolutions

Client: PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java (PT PHE ONWJ)

• DevExpress 12.2.8
• Oracle 11g

• Develop New Module and Enhancement Module, that are:
 Maintain Extend Inspection module
 Document Management module
 Personal Performance Review module
 EAM Wo Number Module
 Certification Data Management module
 Leak Event Management module
 Flash Anomaly Management module
 Work Order Management module
 Work Plan and Budget Management module
 Contract Company Management module
• Testing
• Documentation
• Database Designer


Web Development using codeigniter, mysql, highcharts, php
Make dashboard using Highchart JS

2015: Zoomdining.my

Build Web Application for Restaurant Management also provide the API.

 Laravel 5.1

 Database Designing
 Developing
 Testing
 Publishing

2015: Find The Exit (Android Game)

Start the new year with helping the ball finding the exit way on a maze. Playing with accelerometer sensor of your phone make you playing more interesting.
1. A Lot of Maze in the game (update)
Help the ball for finding exit way on a varians maze.

2. More ball (update)
Experience play the game using varative balls.

This game is free to play.

2016: Sahabat Kata

I built a mobile application for kata phone user's. in this application, user can do transaction like buy phone voucher, pay electricity's bill, phone bill, etc.

2016: PES League Indonesia

PESLeagueID is PES2016 league organized by admin of PES community in Indonesia.
This application provide community member to see live score and join an event.




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