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YYA (YonkbieYanuelAjie)



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User Name: YonkbieYanuelAjie
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 03/03/2015 12:40:07 WIB
Last Seen: 10/12/2019 09:25:23 WIB
Provinsi: Jawa Barat
Kabupaten: Kab. Bandung
Online Hours: 1.22
Projects Won: 0
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Virtual Assistant

Rp 150,000     
0.00/10.00 0

I like meet new friends & new culture, been travel to Singapore, Malaysia, Kuching, Thailand, HongKong and Taiwan gave me the best exprienced with cultures. I like doing the work from my computer & online.I have various background industry of work. The Industries that I worked for majoring garment  & general trading. I feel very confident with my data entry or administration task. For Excell mostly I do :-  Made Quotation & Invoice - Data Stocking ( Purchasing and Selling ) - Delivery Order sheet - etc relate the excel need For Words mostly I do : - Make an Information notes for other employee - Make a formal letter - etc relate for word need I can be your Virtual Assistant and assist you to get an outsource Manufacture in Thailand, My speciality is Thailand & indonesia...

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