• (022) 6902 1117

aandrisaputra (aan2512)




saya Andri Saputra, Graphic Designer dan Illustrator,

saya dapat mengerjakan beberapa keperluan desain ,baik personal ataupun untuk keperluan promosi ,dapat menyelesaikan desain secepat mungkin ,detail dalam bekerja ,menerima masukan ataupun kritikan apabila tidak sesuai keinginan.

Kontak : WA - 082-258-633-836
Instagram : @aandrisaputra
Portfolio : https://issuu.com/flfln & https://www.behance.net/aandrisapucce6

Advertising Graphic Design Illustration Adobe PhotoShop Adobe Illustrator

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User Name: aan2512
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 21/01/2018 00:38:01 WIB
Last Seen: 25/11/2020 11:56:43 WIB
Provinsi: DKI Jakarta
Kabupaten: Kota Jakarta Pusat
Online Hours: 5.95
Projects Won: 0
Projects Completed: 0
Completion Rate-
Projects Arbitrated: 0
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Current Projects: 0

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As Worker
0 Point
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0 Projects
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0 Point
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0 Projects
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0 Sales
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2018: Font Art 2018

2018: Font Art 2018

2018: Digital Imagine 2018

2018: Design Layout Web/Social Media/Print Ad

2018: non project Poster Ideafest

2018: Poster Telkomsel

2018: Poster Telkomsel 2

2018: Chinese New Year 2018

2018: Burger Promotion

2018: UI Music Player

2018: UI Mobile App

2018: Illustration

2018: Illustration 2

2018: Illustration 3

2018: Social Media Content

2018: magazine design

2018: Infografik Mahasiswa S2 Komunikasi

2018: retouch image




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