• (022) 6902 1117

Putri Buana Nouriani Kusuma (kusumaputri)



Graduated from Diploma Computer Science and Information System Gadjah Mada University in August 2014,
My Experiance in Web Programming and Web Designer,
Over the last one and a half years, I have developed a wide range of websites using HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL and Framwork Codeigniter including sites for mining companies and small businesses. 
My core competency lies in the management of the development of websites ranging from the analysis system, business rules, UI design and back end programming.

experience what I'm doing right now is a web-based programming python in Linux

Data Entry Database Programming MySQL PHP CodeIgniter HTML CSS

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User Name: kusumaputri
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 20/01/2015 13:41:07 WIB
Last Seen: 25/03/2015 12:37:28 WIB
Provinsi: DI Yogyakarta
Kabupaten: Kota Yogyakarta
Online Hours: 9.74
Projects Won: 0
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2014: Membuat website profil perusahaan untuk user dan admin menggunakan bootstrap dan CodeIgniter

2014: Membuat sistem informasi pendaftaran unit kegiatan mahasiswa taekwondo beserta pendaftaran ujian kenaikan tingkat setiap tingkatannya menggunakan Semantic-UI dan CodeIgniter




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