SteffaniLZ19 (SteffaniLZ19)
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User Name: | SteffaniLZ19 |
Account Type: | Personal Account |
Date Registered: | 28/08/2024 14:07:32 WIB |
Last Seen: | 03/10/2024 02:30:54 WIB |
Provinsi: | |
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Website: | |
Online Hours: | 17.35 |
Projects Won: | 2 |
Projects Completed: | 2 |
Completion Rate | 100.00% Excellent |
Projects Arbitrated: | 0 |
Arbitration Rate | 0.00% Excellent |
Current Projects: | 0 |
Ratings & Rankings
As Worker
77 Point
#4,316 dari 1,229,643
2 Projects
77 Point
#4,316 dari 1,229,643
2 Projects
As Owner
0 Point
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0 Point
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Project Ending: Completed Rating: (10/10)
komunikasi baik,
tulisan baikĀ
pekerjaan cepatĀ
Taufikadisanjaya 01/09/2024 13:07:28 WIB menulis artikel tentang K3 kendaraan di area pertambangan, sekolah, pemukiman, dsb
Project Ending: Completed Rating: (10/10)
Sangat baik dan Memuaskan. Responsif dan jelas dalam setiap interaksi sehingga mempermudah koordinasi penyelesaian project.
m.space22 07/09/2024 17:15:30 WIB Tugas Pemodelan Topik/Topic Modeling menggunakan LDA
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