irawan19 (irawan19)
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User Name: | irawan19 |
Account Type: | Personal Account |
Date Registered: | 27/02/2017 09:38:27 WIB |
Last Seen: | 16/01/2025 09:43:56 WIB |
Provinsi: | Jawa Tengah |
Kabupaten: | Kab. Magelang |
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Online Hours: | 51.31 |
Projects Won: | 0 |
Projects Completed: | 0 |
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Projects Arbitrated: | 0 |
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Current Projects: | 0 |
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Rp 5,000,0000.00/10.00 0
Aplikasi pengelolaan data personal, untuk pengenalan diri di dunia maya, bisa digunakan sebagai alat mempromosikan diri (CV online), blogging, fans, dan lain sebagainya. Fitur Aplikasi - Visitor Menampilkan data pengunjung (IP, browser yang dipakai, OS yang dipakai) yang mengunjungi website anda - Pengelolaan Data Pribadi Dan Administrator Pengelolaan data pribadi seperti nama lengkap, tanggal lahir, pekerjaan, daftar riwayat hidup, hobi, dan sebagainya, Pengelolaan data administrator digunakan untuk mengelola data login dari pemilik website - Pengelolaan Gallery Pengelolaan gallery gambar, video terkait dengan portofolio yang sudah pernah dikerjakan, atau event-event yang sedang berlangsung - Pengelolaan Blog Pengelolaan data untuk menampilkan catatan - catatan aktifitas, tutorial, dimana pengunjung dapat membacanya, bisa dikatakan seperti blogger - Pengelolaan Contact, Social Media Pengelolaan data kontak yang dapat dihubungi - Backup Restore Database Pengelolaan untuk backup database dan restore database, digunakan apabila data hilang, dapat dikembalikan (restore) lagi berdasar backup yang sudah dilakukan menu dapat dicustom sesuai dengan keinginan anda
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2011: Tasti Computer Online Shop Information System (Thesis - Web
Based). which was developed using PHP and MySQL, in order to
market your products online, reservation management,
purchasing a product, knowing the income sales
2011: Yogyakarta Museum Management Information System (Thesis -
Web Based). Created using PHP native, mysql, jquery, javascript,
css, html.
2011: Yogyakarta Tourism Management Information System (Thesis -
Web Based). Yogyakarta Tourism information system that was
developed using the web-based PHP Native, HTML, CSS and
MySQL with a variety of menu items such as agendas, news,
tourism, culture, association, gallery of various tourism in
2012: Selling Information System Of Wara Computer Online Shop
Yogyakarta. (Web Based). Created using PHP native, mysql,
jquery, javascript, css, html.Information Systems Computer Sales
Online Store Wara is a web-based application to support the
company's performance that comes with the menu: products,
ordering, stock, sales reports, delivery, backup restore database automatically
2013: Sales And Purchase Of Spare Parts Bus Information System For
Globalhardware (Group Of Karoseri Trisakti – Web Based).
Information systems supporting the company’s performance for
the sale and purchase of products spareparts bus. Created using
Framework Codeigniter v2, MySQL, CSS Bootstrap, Jquery,
Javascript, HTML.
2014: Management Support System For Karoseri Trisakti Plant II (Web
Based). Application Performance Management Support System
For Karoseri Trisakti Includes Inventory Control, Purchasing,
Warehouse, Production Planning, Globalmanufacturing, Sales
Services, Cost Accounting, Finance AP, AR Finance, Cashier
With Integrated Systems. built with codeigniter 3 framework,
botstrap css, OOP language, MySQL database, Jquery, Javascript.
2014: Pratama Computer Management System (Web Based).
Information systems supporting the company’s performance for
the sale and purchase of products spareparts bus. Created using
Framework Codeigniter v2, MySQL, CSS Bootstrap, Jquery,
Javascript, HTML.
2016: Jogja Mitra (Web Based).
Jogja mitra information system that was developed using PHP
v7.0.6, Framework Codeigniter v3, MySQL, css Bootstrap,
Jquery. This application is used as a promotional jogja mitra
company, tour and travel reservation services
2016: Asram Furniture Marketing System (Web Based).
Asram Furniture information system that was developed using
PHP v7.0.6, Framework Codeigniter v3, MySQL, css Bootstrap,
Jquery. This application is used as a simulation calculation of
furniture for marketing division on asram furniture
2017: Elearning For SMA N 1 Piyungan (Thesis - Web Based).
an information system online examination for high school.
created using codeigniter framework v3, bootstrap css, html,
2017: BNI Leave Application System – Binnova BNI (Web Based +
Leave Management Information System - BINNOVA BNI (Web
Based + Android). an information system to facilitate the
submission of employee leave information, information from the
office, the job posting from office. created using codeigniter
framework v.3, boostrap css, html, MySQL, Android
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