Hi, my name is Muhammad Alif Rahmat Novian Arsianto and A fresh graduate from informatics at UAD who interested to drill competency. Strong creative and analytical skills. Highly dynamic and flexible working in a team or independently.
? Embedded :
- PHP(laravel, CodeIgniter)
- Python(flask)
- JS(vue, React)
- DBMS(Mysql, Postgres)
- CSS(tailwind css, bootstrap)
- Design (Figma, AdobeXD);?
- and more, cause i like learn
- google collab
- Selenium
- VS-code
- Jupyter notebook
- DBeaver
- laragon
- Docker
- MS office
- Figma & adobe XD and more than thats
? Strong attention to detail;
? Eager to learn new things and explore innovative approaches.
? You can contact me on this whatsapp : 081717250752
this my page?