• (022) 6902 1117

Bramanta Fajar (Bramanta)



As a dedicated Master's degree student in Civil Engineering with a focus on Structural Engineering at Institut Teknologi Bandung, I am excited to apply my knowledge and skills to contribute to the field as a Structural Engineer. With expertise in SAP2000 and ETABS software, I possess a strong foundation in structural analysis and design.

Over the past two years, I have been actively involved in analyzing and designing structures for various building projects. Through my portfolio, I can demonstrate my proficiency in evaluating structural integrity and delivering innovative solutions. From ensuring the stability of existing buildings to designing robust structures from the ground up, I have consistently strived for excellence.

By combining my academic knowledge with practical experience, I am prepared to tackle the challenges of the industry and deliver outstanding results. I am eager to leverage my skills and contribute to your organization's success.

I invite you to download my latest resume (Bramanta Portofolio (bramantafajar.carrd.co)) to gain further insight into my qualifications and achievements. Let's connect and discuss how my passion for structural engineering can be an asset to your team.

AutoCAD Civil and Structure Analysis Civil and Structure Design ETABS SAP2000

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User Name: Bramanta
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 30/05/2023 20:26:24 WIB
Last Seen: 05/04/2024 15:08:20 WIB
Provinsi: Jawa Barat
Kabupaten: Kota Bandung
Website: https://bramantafajar.carrd.co/
Online Hours: 45.07
Projects Won: 2
Projects Completed: 1
Completion Rate100.00% Excellent
Projects Arbitrated: 0
Arbitration Rate0.00% Excellent
Current Projects: 1

Ratings & Rankings

As Worker
35 Point
#5,891 dari 1,100,090
1 Projects
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0 Point
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0 Projects
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0 Point
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0 Point
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Analisa Struktur

Rp 500,000     
0.00/10.00 0

Layanan Konsultan Analisa Struktur Perlu jasa Insinyur Struktur berpengalaman dan terampil untuk proyek bangunan Anda? Saya di sini untuk membantu! Sebagai  structure engineer  dengan pengalaman 4 tahun, saya mengevaluasi kestabilan dan mengidentifikasi potensi masalah struktural. Solusi handal untuk memastikan keamanan proyek Anda. saya menawarkan solusi komprehensif yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan struktural Anda. 🖥️ Menguasai SAP2000 dan ETABS, saya memberikan analisis yang akurat dan solusi hemat biaya untuk desain struktur yang tepat...

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Project Ending: Completed         Rating:      (10/10)

Well done  

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