Butuh artikel SEO-friendly yang menarik tentang berbagai topik? Saya siap membantu! Meski berpengalaman dalam niche keuangan dan gaya hidup, saya terbuka untuk banyak topik lain dan siap menulis konten yang informatif serta engaging, baik untuk blog, website, atau media sosial Anda.
Mulai dari keuangan pribadi hingga gaya hidup, saya bisa mengubah topik yang kompleks jadi mudah dipahami dan menarik. Ditambah dengan fokus pada SEO, konten Anda akan lebih mudah ditemukan di mesin pencari.
Yuk, kerja sama untuk buat konten yang disukai pembaca dan meningkatkan traffic situs Anda!
Web Research English Translation Writing Copywriter Content Writer Social Media
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Existing Projects User Name:
| nadyalestari |
Account Type:
| Personal Account |
Date Registered:
| 20/03/2016 08:23:25 WIB |
Last Seen:
| 20/11/2024 19:43:45 WIB |
| Provinsi Lainnya |
| |
| https://www.idntimes.com/nadya-eka-lestari |
Online Hours:
| 181.39 |
Projects Won:
| 34 |
Projects Completed:
| 34 |
Completion Rate | 100.00% Excellent |
Projects Arbitrated:
| 0 |
Arbitration Rate | 0.00% Excellent |
Current Projects:
| 0 |
As Worker 9.79/10.00
1,938 Point
#277 dari 1,259,000
34 Projects
As Owner 0.00/10.00
0 Point
No Ranking
0 Projects
As Seller 0.00/10.00
0 Point
No Ranking
0 Sales
As Affiliate 0.00/10.00
0 Point
No Ranking
0 Users
2014: This is the novel that I wrote and published in a writing platform, Storial.co. I went through 3 editing times since around 2013 until I finally published it. The novel received good reviews and many people still read and subscribe to the book. I also write other forms of fictions such as short stories and flash fiction. I love this form of writing as it was what makes me have a great passion for writing and literature.
2016: This piece is an article that won a writing competition on Creasi.com's website, a job-seeking platform for the creative industry. The article is about readings that people in a creative industry should read. It was written in lists for readers to easily scan through the article. The company wanted straightforward and casual writing that suits young people as their target market.
2019: This project is my first project with Kai, an entrepreneur in proptech field. He asked for articles about the property and living in Indonesia's big cities. Kai wanted rewritten articles from relevant sources. He said he liked my work and asked me to move to techinafrica.com, a web about news in startup and tech in Africa.
2019: Kai, from the editorial team of techinafrica.com, looked for a writer who provides the web with articles on a daily basis. I write mainly news and listicle-type articles. He was asking me to write on another website about living and property previously but he said he liked my work there and then asked me to write for TechInAfrica instead where I write from September 2019 until now.
Project Ending: Completed Rating: (9/10)
Terimakasih, atas kerjasamanya kualitas pekerjaanya baik, dan jika ada revisi langsung di kerjakan untuk komunikasi juga cukup baik, over all good worker as long as i can see.
Project Ending: Completed Rating: (10/10)
Terima kasih kak atas bantuan nya sudah membuatkan artikel untuk Blog kami, kedepan nya Insya Allah kerjasama lagi.
Masukan untuk kedepannya mohon di perhatikan lagi untu typo nya ya kak.
Jika berkenan bisa share link ini https://liatsini.com/author/nadyalestari/ ke Sosial Media atau Blog Pribadi kakak sebagai Portofolio.
Terima kasih
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