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- Al-Rasikh Bulletin, Konsumsi Halal Perspektif Ekonomi Islam Ekonomi Islam, Number 799 Year XV/9, Safar 07th 1439 H/October 27th 2017 M.
- Lombok Post (Opinion Articles), Ekonomi Islam: Pedoman Bukan Pilihan, Sunday, Number 9134 Year XXV, Safar 30th 1439 H/November 19th 2017 M.
- Al-Rasikh Bulletin, Pribumisasi Ekonomi Islam, Number 804 Year XV/9, Rabiul Awwal 12th 1439 H/December 01st 2017.
- UII NEWS, Islamic Economics: Between Guidance and Options, Edition: 176/15/2017, Vol. 12, 30th Rabiul Awwal 1439 H/December 19th 2017 M.
- Radar Lombok (Opinion Articles) Hapuskan Wisata Halal?, Tuesday, Number 2015 Year VI, Jumadil Awal 13th 1439 H/January 31st 2018 M, Page 4.
- Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, The Effectiveness of Shariah Supervisory Board on Supervision and Counselling in Shariah Rural Bank Mitra Cahaya Indonesia Yogyakarta, Vol. 4, Number 01, February 13th 2018 M.
- Al-Rasikh Bulletin, Konsep Mudharabah Sebagai Pengganti Sistem Bunga Dalam Perekonomian, Number 815 Year XV/9, Jumadil Akhir 15th 1439 H/March 02 nd 2018 M.
- Jabar Ekspres News, Konsep Keadilan Ekonomi Dalam Alquran, Wednesday, Sya’ban 02nd 1439 H/April 18th 2018 M.
- Islamiconomic, Epistemologi Ekonomi Islam dan Maqasid Syariah Dalam Kurikulum Ekonomi Islam di Perguruan Tinggi, Vol. 9, Number 2, July-December 2018 M Â
- Grantee of Student Creativity Program Ministry of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia (Yogyakarta, 20th April 2014)
- Award for Graduate Cum Laude (GPA 3.70/4.0), Faculty of Islamic Studies, Islamic University of Indonesia (Yogyakarta, 17th March 2016)
- Finalist of Essay Competition Inovator Nusantara (Semarang, 19th-21st May 2017)
- Semi Finalist of ASEAN Young Social Preneurs Program 2017 (Yogyakarta 15-19th September 2017)
- Finalist of Annual Symposium on Islamic Economy and Halal Industry (Gadjah Mada University, 7-8th December 2017)
- Delegation of Islamic University of Indonesia on Forum Business Economic Advancement Strategic Management (BEASM) (Singapore, 1st–2nd January 2018) Â