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rzkyrhmd (rzkyrhmd)



Hi, my name is Rizky Rahmat. I'm from Indonesia and I worked as Senior Analyst Operations and Customer Service Specialist for 7 years. Besides that, I created a podcast and made several businesses that required me to be a content creator. And now I'm currently looking for opportunities to collaborate with you.

Customer Service Social Media Marketing (SMM) Graphic Design Adobe PhotoShop E-Commerce Microsoft Word Twitter Copywriter Content Writer Social Media

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User Name: rzkyrhmd
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 30/01/2023 12:04:04 WIB
Last Seen: 04/06/2024 22:52:33 WIB
Provinsi: Jawa Barat
Kabupaten: Kab. Bekasi
Online Hours: 36.06
Projects Won: 0
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Jasa Edit Foto Produk

Rp 100,000     
0.00/10.00 0

Hai, saya menawarkan jasa edit foto produk untuk keperluan penjualan atau promosi melalui postingan social media ataupun marketplace. Yang dapat dikerjakan adalah : Membuat template foto produk marketplace Menghapus background Menambahkan objek foto dan desain agar foto terlihat lebih menarik Membuat banner atau desain promosi Menghapus objek foto yang mengganggu Membuat atau menambahkan watermark pada foto Menambahkan shadow agar foto terlihat estetik Mengapa memilih jasa ini ? Berpengalaman...

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2019: I'm from Indonesia and i worked as Senior Analyst Operations and Customer Service Specialist for 7 years. Besides that, i created a podcast and made several businesses that required me to be a content creator. And now i'm currently looking for opportunities to collaborate with you.




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