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Ardhana Rheswara (dhans88)



Perkenalkan nama saya Ardhana Rheswara, seorang seniman digital dan sekaligus seniman offset. Dunia desain grafis dan seni rupa merupakan bagian hidup sekaligus dunia usaha yang telah saya tekuni lebih dari 13 tahun lamanya semenjak saya masih duduk di bangku SMA. 

Area desain grafis yang saya kuasai terbilang cukup banyak, hasil dari pengalaman saya selama ini, baik itu 2D hingga 3D, dari layouting hingga animasi, dari membuat poster hingga mendesain UI/UX bahkan desain character 3D untuk game developing pun pernah saya jalani. Monggo silahkan cek langsung akun kreavi saya untuk melihat beberapa portofolio hasil kerja saya selama ini dan anda yang menilai sendiri bagaimana saya dari hasil karya saya. 

Profesional Skills :

  • Graphic Designer
  • Photo Editor
  • Social media Content Designer
  • 3D Modeller

Penguasaan Tools :

  • Image Editor : Adobe Photoshop, Corel Photopaint, GIMP
  • Layouting & Drawing : CorelDraw, Adobe Illustrator, InkScape
  • 3D Modelling : Autodesk 3DS Max, Autodesk Maya, Blender
  • Animation & Video : Sony Vegas Pro, Macromedia Flash
  • Office Tools : Microsoft Words, Excel, Powerpoint, Access
  • Prototyping : Adobe XD, FIGMA
  • Developer Tools : Delphi, Visual Studio, Adobe Flex
  • Game Developer Tools : Unity, Gideros, Adobe Flash

Portofolio :

Hubungi saya di :

Adalah sebuah hal menggembirakan dan senang rasanya jika saya dapat diberi kesempatan untuk dapat bekerjasama dengan anda dalam sebuah project dan bisa memberikan kontribusi positif disana. Terima kasih, saya tunggu ketertarikan anda :)

Terima Kasih

Ardhana Rheswara

Animation CorelDRAW Adobe PhotoShop Adobe Illustrator 3D Modelling 3ds Max Audacity Adobe Flash Flash/ActionScript UX Design

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User Name: dhans88
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 25/08/2020 14:28:03 WIB
Last Seen: 12/06/2023 14:16:57 WIB
Provinsi: DI Yogyakarta
Kabupaten: Kab. Bantul
Website: http://bit.ly/dhansproject
Online Hours: 37.47
Projects Won: 0
Projects Completed: 0
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Projects Arbitrated: 0
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Current Projects: 0

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2013: i make logo design for SPARKSHIFT , a consulting company . i made this logo when i participating logo design competition at crowdspring.com

feel free to follow and message me for commission design :)

want logo design ?, just call me :
instagram : @sikancil_logohouse
facebook : kedailogo.sikancil
whatsapp : +62-813-8681-4287
phone : +62-813-8681-4287
kreavi : http://www.kreavi.com/Dhans88

or simply click link on my bio :

2016: i make logo design for sabilcraft souvenir , location : kasongan, Yogyakarta. check their instagram @sabilcraftsouvenir if you need wedding souvenir or other beautiful merchandise & accessories. I make a detailed logo with beautiful Javanese wedding dress.

2016: i make logo design for STEAM when i participating logo desing competition at crowdspring.com

want logo design ?, just call me :
instagram : @sikancil_logohouse
facebook : kedailogo.sikancil
whatsapp : +62-813-8681-4287
phone : +62-813-8681-4287
kreavi : http://www.kreavi.com/Dhans88

or simply click link on my bio :

#logo #logodesign #desainlogo #desainlogomurah #premiumlogo #jasabikinlogo #sikancillogo

2016: i make logo design for Furnish Monster, a furniture company . i made this logo when i participating logo design competition at logomyway.com

feel free to follow and message me for commission design :)

want logo design ?, just call me :
instagram : @sikancil_logohouse
facebook : kedailogo.sikancil
whatsapp : +62-813-8681-4287
phone : +62-813-8681-4287
kreavi : http://www.kreavi.com/Dhans88

2016: i make logo design for STAGERIGHT!, a theater school . i made this logo when i participating logo design competition at crowdspring.com

feel free to follow and message me for commission design :)

want logo design ?, just call me :
instagram : @sikancil_logohouse
facebook : kedailogo.sikancil
whatsapp : +62-813-8681-4287
phone : +62-813-8681-4287
kreavi : http://www.kreavi.com/Dhans88

2016: i make logo design for MOLS Experience, an open science lab who love to share knowledge to everyone who love science, they try to bring happy and fun environment for everyone . i made this logo when i participating logo design competition at crowdspring.com

feel free to follow and message me for commission design :)

want logo design ?, just call me :
instagram : @sikancil_logohouse
facebook : kedailogo.sikancil
whatsapp : +62-813-8681-4287
phone : +62-813-8681-4287
kreavi : http://www.kreavi.com/Dhans88

2018: When i work at Jagoan Desain ( Teras Dakwah ) , i get a task to remake the previous website design of Aqiqah Al-Kautsar Yogyakarta. They want something new and fresh with elegant look and classy design. So i make this design for them.

want logo design ?, just call me :
instagram : @sikancil_logohouse
facebook : kedailogo.sikancil
whatsapp : +62-813-8681-4287
phone : +62-813-8681-4287
kreavi : http://www.kreavi.com/Dhans88

2018: i make logo design for Rizky Kopi Bubuk, a repeat order from my previous client. They have a good coffee product which i love the aromatic scent, because i love coffee as my good friend, hehehe....

feel free to follow and message me for commission design :)

want logo design ?, just call me :
instagram : @sikancil_logohouse
facebook : kedailogo.sikancil
whatsapp : +62-813-8681-4287
phone : +62-813-8681-4287
kreavi : http://www.kreavi.com/Dhans88

2018: I make a brand identity for Djafo Tour ( @djafogroup ) with a success orange color to give spiritful feel.

feel free to follow and message me for commission design :)

want logo design ?, just call me :
instagram : @sikancil_logohouse
facebook : kedailogo.sikancil
whatsapp : +62-813-8681-4287
phone : +62-813-8681-4287
kreavi : http://www.kreavi.com/Dhans88

2019: i make logo design for @mieayamaskimo, chicken noodle outlet base in Yogyakarta specialized of original, pangsit, and fried chicken noodle with delicious taste . i suggest you must try their menu. nyam nyam yummy tasty...

feel free to follow and message me for commission design :)

want logo design ?, just call me :
instagram : @sikancil_logohouse
facebook : kedailogo.sikancil
whatsapp : +62-813-8681-4287
phone : +62-813-8681-4287
kreavi : http://www.kreavi.com/Dhans88

2019: i make cheerful logo design for @denbaguskids, they sell kids apparel from basic to premium brand. check their instagram and you can find many beautiful and cool outfit for your kids with a humble and friendly service.

feel free to follow and message me for commission design :)

2019: i help Teras Dakwah to designing brochure for the TD Madu Brand.

feel free to follow and message me for commission design :)

want logo design ?, just call me :
instagram : @sikancil_logohouse
facebook : kedailogo.sikancil
whatsapp : +62-813-8681-4287
phone : +62-813-8681-4287
kreavi : http://www.kreavi.com/Dhans88

2020: i make logo design for MESINSABLONGELAS.com, a repeat order from my previous client. feel free to check and follow their instagram on @mesinsablongelas to find out more about their great products.

feel free to follow and message me for commission design :)

want logo design ?, just call me :
instagram : @sikancil_logohouse
facebook : kedailogo.sikancil
whatsapp : +62-813-8681-4287
phone : +62-813-8681-4287
kreavi : http://www.kreavi.com/Dhans88

2020: i make logo design for E-Sports Team, KAIZEN WOLF. This one is a test for me when i apply to work, they test my skill to make an E-sports logo, and then here what i made for them....

feel free to follow and message me for commission design :)

want logo design ?, just call me :
instagram : @sikancil_logohouse
facebook : kedailogo.sikancil
whatsapp : +62-813-8681-4287
phone : +62-813-8681-4287
kreavi : http://www.kreavi.com/Dhans88

2020: Repeat order from my previous client, JOGJAURUG.com is a construction based business.

feel free to follow and message me for commission design :)

want logo design ?, just call me :
instagram : @sikancil_logohouse
facebook : kedailogo.sikancil
whatsapp : +62-813-8681-4287
phone : +62-813-8681-4287
kreavi : http://www.kreavi.com/Dhans88




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