• (022) 6902 1117

Tiara Putri (Tiaraptr.22)




i'm Tiara

A graduate of the Bachelor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Jember who was active in severa activities during college and successfully graduated within 3.5 years with a GPA of 3.67. Has experience as a Control System Laboratory Assistant at the University of Jember who is responsible for the implementation of practicum, making student practicum learning modules in accordance with the practicum subjects in the curriculum. Has areas of interest regarding Sensors, Actuators, and Data Acquisition in Agroindustrial Environments, Agroindustrial Robotics Engineering, Signals and Systems, Intelligent Control Systems, and Control Systems. Disciplined, able to work well in a team, have a high willingness to learn, adaptable and can work under pressure. Dedicated to provide added value to the company by applying the experience and skills possessed.

Thank you!!

Data Entry Graphic Design Arduino Administration Microsoft Office Reviews Data Analysis Copywriter Phyton

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User Name: Tiaraptr.22
Account Type: Personal Account
Date Registered: 04/10/2022 06:45:16 WIB
Last Seen: 30/05/2023 12:41:07 WIB
Provinsi: Jawa Timur
Kabupaten: Kab. Sidoarjo
Online Hours: 15.50
Projects Won: 0
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